The pensioner voting block will increase in size and voting...

  1. 945 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    The pensioner voting block will increase in size and voting power in the coming years no matter what you profess as logical when an aged couple has worked and paid their taxes and reached retirement age they will want their entitlements .
    They will be the largest voting block by percentage and to go against them would be political suicide .

    On the other hand those who spend more than 6 months on the dole over a 2 year period of employment should have the dole ended.(unemployment assistance costs $ 9.6 billion

    Those who decide to have large families should not receive welfare , this decision to have a large family needs to be supported by the ability of the parent or parents to financially support the family.(Assistance to family with children currently costs government $ 34.9 billion)

    Subsides to energy and mining companies need to be ended.(government assistance currently costs 2.4 billion

    Smaller and More efficient government (currently running at $ 52.4 billion)

    Just the 4 measures above if they were trimmed by about 20% would represent $20 billion in savings

    Add to this favorable incentives to superannuation to encourage independence of the social security system for the elderly ( currently costs $ 54.8 billion) assuming 20% reduction on dependence for social security would represent an additional $ 11 billion in savings.

    Total saving of $31 billion per annum

    Superannuation is not the enemy it is designed to take people off the pension and welfare it has it tax advantages for this reason to encourage investment for retirement this need to be made more simpler and flexible to attract more participation above all else confidence need to be provided that government will keep its hand off it.
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