What too much healthy food can do to you, page-14

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 925
    Kneels before one of the Queens of my heart, Nigella* but with all due reference to such a divine being, is the pic on the left not suspiciously ‘get me out of here, I’m a celebrity’-ish?

    To the diets- vegetarian? EEEE* ( imagine that is one of those horrible sounds we hear when someone gets a question wrong ).
    Detox? EEEE*
    Supplements? Hnnnn.... maybe a multi vitamin once a week or so and some glucosamine etc for we who aren’t getting any younger*

    I lived in Okinawa, the home of the longest lived people on the planet, for a while and I can say one thing seems to be the secret to a long life.

    Click on this link to my website for a totally free guide to something I will tell you about only after you pay me some money! ( joke ).

    The secret I gleaned from living with them, actual native Okinawans, was that laughter and halpiness is the secret.... with some goya, ( bigger melon ), thrown in.

    My workmates were 70 in the shade, with the tips of all their fingers lost decades ago to their love for carpentry, smoked like chimneys but laughed their arses off all day.

    They also make tea from things we regard as weeds such as dandelion etc lol so there ya have it- don’t be too precious and lol, lol lol yourself, gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily life is but a scream*

    Great post mogga.... now I will just have to master the trick of staying asleep if Nigella graces me with her presence if even only in spirit form when I fall asleep tonight.
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