re: what we dont know about 9/11 hurts us So MastaIt was all...

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    re: what we dont know about 9/11 hurts us So Masta

    It was all Clintons fault was it

    Yes maybe Clinton should have Ok'd the strike on Bin Laden when he had the opportunity

    But also maybe Bush senior should not have provided CIA training to the murderous fanatics in the first place.

    And all this still does not get away from the FACT that it appears the current Bush administration did not act on warnings it is reported that they received

    But just distort the facts to suit your narrow little mind

    And yes there have been a fair number of conspiracy theories generated by the "left" but there are equally as great a number of conspiracy theories generated by the "right" just just read 1/2 the garbage published by the likes of world net daily as an example. Not to mention the garbage about Saddams WMDs and links to AQ

    But it is not surprising your narrow little mind only sees one side

    As for popular mechanics debunking most of the conspiracy theories aren't most of the theories they debunk related to things like the jets that flew into the world trade centre being loaded with missiles, that the world trade centres colapsed due to explosives being set at the base, that it was not a plane the crashed into the pentagon and other such idiot theories.

    Did they address any issues relating to who was warned about what and when??????

    and if not what has the reference to their acticle got to do with what Dub posted?????

    You are not distorting facts again are you ????

    As for the source of the article dub posted, if you read the article you will see the source is stated under the authors name

    There are those poor reading skills letting you down again

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