What will it take?, page-61

  1. 812 Posts.

    Scott the problem is left right and centre are moving so calling something LR or C doesn’t mean anything.

    As an example until quite recently equality of opportunity was a concept that I think almost all believed in. HoweveR in recent times equality of outcome has become the goal for one side of the spectrum. This leads to labelling proponents of equality of opportunity as right wing as they don’t support equality of outcome (equity is the phrase). So without changing one’s view or philosophy a group of people get lumped into the far right bucket.

    Thats why I am interested in yours and other views on what is far right.

    My political philosophy has changed very little over the past 30 years, although there are several areas where I have probably started to more to “the left.” But as sure as got made little green apples the lefts description of me would have changes from right of centre to a “far right whack job” and yey my political philosophy if anything has moved to the left.

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