what would jesus do ..... palestine and israel, page-82

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    re: what would jesus do..call down hellfire upon t Hello all my fellow Hot Copperarians,

    Wow, you have no idea how long these new Crystal Balls (I got this one from Dick Smith's - on special, charger included :) take to recharge! And I am not looking forward to getting this months electricity bill either, they heavy on the power, lol:)

    I agree too, that this commentary business (albeit at a Bulletin Board amatuer level) is hard yakka, very tiring, lol:)

    It's great stuff though isn't it? Having sooo much fodder to comment upon.

    This 'what would Jesus do' topic has obviously been a polular one today and while have chosen to steer clear of it for most of the day, I couldn't help but at least have my thrippence worth before the clock strikes 12 and I turn into a human being once again, lol:)

    To qualify that last statement, I've never been that good with time management and life as a pumpkin ain't all it's cracked up to be:)

    Please note that for literary purposes, I refer to Jesus as Hey-Suese. I prefer pronouncing it as such. Same pronounciation as Jesus the Ten Pin bowler in the movie called 'The Big Lebowski' and I also had a nieghbour named Jesus when I lived in Dampier, WA, (R.I.P Jesus - he died of the Big C in 2000) who liked me to pronounce it Hey-Suese.

    Back to the story.........

    While I was brought up with my Mother preaching 'fire'n'brimstone' (she was studying to be a Nun before my Par whisked her away) and attended Mass weekly and Confessionals just as frequently, my Mother and I both now agree that Hey-Suese just ain't going to 'rock up' again, i.e there will be no 'second coming' as so many fanatical Christians worldover suggest, imho. It's just plain silliness to suggest, hope or think as such.

    And while we 'Whitie Westie Testies' may ask, 'What would the Son of God' do in thie current situation, we have to understand what has beendone, and is continuing to be done 'in the name of 'Lord Hey-Sues Christ'. I mean forget 99.9% of what is wriiten in any of the Good Books if you want to understand the essence of the argument. If you are a believer in either the theory of Intelligent Design or Creationism, you have been taught to believe God is in everyone of us. True? We were all created in his image, correct? Well, to me, and I may be out of order here, but it has always appeared to me to be the case. That is, George.W.Bush actually believes he is doings Lord Hey-Suese's work here on Earth. He believes he is, as we all are if we believe in either of the above theories, a child or creation of God. Only drama is, I am sure, that behind closed doors, and maybe this isn't even something he shares with his wife or children, he actually believes and is convinced that he literally was sent by God and put on this Earth to further carry out and on Lord Hey-Suese Christ's great work. I truly believe George. W sees himself as a Messenger from the Heavens, just as I feel the actual Jesus did. If it were anyone else (for random example - there are many contemporary examples, Graig Hamilton, the Sports reporter and commentator) he would be whisked away to a Psychiatric Hospital, assessed, medicated immediately and probably begin to enjoy a somewhat normal life, albeit with a few necessary adjustments made. Such as ongoing psychotherapy and probable continued medication treatment. Personally I'd suggest high voltage ElectroConvulsive Therapy - ohh, about 100, 000 Volts should do the trick, lol, and please don't forget to pump up the amperage, lol:) No, I am joking, the poor guy obviously has always needed help and should never have been able to run for P.O.T.U.S. Talk about being under great expectations and great peer (family) pressures! No wonder the guy has turned out to be what may be termed by Mental Health experts, a Meglomaniac, and a poorly educated one at that.

    It's just turned 12 and I have truned into a human again, lol:)

    Really, I do believe it is as simple as that peoples. And for those of you who would like a balanced argument, just choose the greatest or any of the Bush Administrations adversaries and run through the same 'train of thought' and you'll understand how I have had to come to view things.

    Moey, Hey-Suese, Sitaparna Guru Swarmi and even L-Ron imho were all similiar, insofar that they all reached the top of what the great Maslow called the Heirarchy of Needs. Yep, they ahd all reached self-actualisation and saw things with great clarity. And lets face it, there are people we see around the globe today who have achieved greatest in many varied ways, across the entire spectrum and spanning the globe.

    For e.g, I personally believe the Homourable Fred Hollows had reached the top of Maslow's Triangle of Heirarchical Needs. His led his life in a good and Godly fashion, did he not?

    So, in conclusion, the correct topic of conversation should be, 'How are God's children going to handle this impending bloodbath?'.

    Well, imho, it's as simple as.................

    'In the Westside corner, sporting the Red, White and Blue trunks of Uncle Sam, we have Awesome Coalition of the Willing, wieghing in at a massive ???????? megatonnes of Nuclear Weaponry',


    'In the Middle-Eastside corner, sporting the white trunks (we have been made to think it so anyway) is 'only' the very Brutal Bin Laden wieghing in at about the same wieght as a paltry bunch of 'rag-tag, mish-mashed band of uncooperative, fragmented radical Muslims on a jihad to remove infidels from The Holy Land'.

    You see, 'The Song has Always Remained the Same'. Nothing new there...............but, Ladies and Gentlemen...............................................

    I now introduce to you, having their third foray on Main World Stage...................

    'Sporting the technocoloured trunks, reluctantly representing the Rest of the World, introducing, the one, the only, the really pipped off..................Rest of the World!'

    Who else could it be? Who will lead the Rest of the World? The U.N? China? Russia? Your guess is as good as mine. But do recall how George. W. about 8 weeks ago (officially he is 'on-the-record' as stating this PrimeTime TV) seemed quite happy to announce to the world that his 'War on Terror' had officially been updated and morphed into what he would now like to call World War III.

    Make no mistake about the floggers intentions people. And make no mistake about what John Howards intentions are. I am sure, behind close doors of course, that we, Australia, have already pledged our alleigance to the Bush family's and associated long running Administration private war.

    So, whjile I do think we have been discussing the peripheral issues, if you really do want an answer to the question, 'What would Jesus do right now?', I suggest you 'Just ask George. W', or even Johnny H. They seem to be quite close from what I have seen and heard and I am sure Goergie has confided privately with Johnny.

    Only problem is, they are professional politicians, so by definition, even if their strategies have been mapped out long ago (which I believe to be the case - the state of their economy and what has historically fuelled it, predicates it), their arrogance and misplaced self efficacy and their 'more of the same' mantra, sees the pair of meglomaniacs continuing to fight an untenable battle/war.

    Is there ever to be anything such as a 'second coming'?

    I believe yes. And it's been coming for about 2006 years, 6 months and 5 days. It will come to a crescendo when our Mother who we all know as Earth, finally grumbles, growls and gets totally fed up with our inate abilities to understand how insignificant and inconsequential we have managed to become.

    Take a look around peoples............study the last10, 20, 30, 40, 50 years weather patterns, natural disarsters and their ever increasing intensity and ferocity. Call it 'Climate Change', call it 'Global Warming', say, 'it won't affect me or my children', or, 'I don't care, I'll be long gone by then'. Say, 'Not in my backyard', say, 'Whatever you damn well please, please everybody, please!'

    Keep watching the T.V and you'll see......'that's what I am talking about' :)

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