Married in Mt Gambier, SA 30 years or so ago, we honeymooned in...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 9
    Married in Mt Gambier, SA 30 years or so ago, we honeymooned in Noosa. On the way back we drove across the Blackall Ranges and I remember saying to my hubby, quite grandly when I think about now, that we would retire on the Range. Life happens, several states, public and private sector work, kids at uni, several successful business ownerships later and here we are. A few zigzags along the way. What I would do differently would be to actually have moved there straight away, not wait thirty odd years. Obviously real estate would have been much cheaper, but that's not my main focus. The further geographically I've managed to get away from my family, the happier I've been. It's sad really, but they still manage to be at war with each other continuously. Unfortunately my parents think that the promise of future wealth is their weapon of choice to wield when they want things to go their way. They disinherited my younger brother because he had the temerity to leave the farm and buy a couple of trucks. It hasn't worked out well for him given the rise of Linfox and the gradual deterioration of the timber haulage industry in the SE of South Australia. Unfortunately he went into voluntary liquidation a year or so agobut has worked through it and is now in the black again. He has 4 kids and the eldest, twin girls, started uni in SA last year. The ATO was in the middle of selling his 2 trucks when I stepped in and asked my parents to help with a loan of $250,0000 to save his livelihood, family, and to get the girls to uni. Considerably wealthy, they refused to help so I crossed the picket line as well and expressed my disappintment in them as parents. I knew what I was losing, and only have regrets on behalf of my children, but there are some flashing light moments in life you don't back away from. The girls have just finished their first year at uni (which is close to my heart as I didn't want them to end up in a dying timber town with no options)and my brother currently has a contract with Gunn's which I have heart palpitations about when I hear negative news re their retaining their interests in SA. At the very worst, they have the offer of coming up to live with us and their kids can go to the Sunshine Coast Uni. and my brother could pick up a job in the mines. Life will go on, come what may. There are some things money doesn't buy, love or loyalty.

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