ATLANTA, Ga. (WEYI) - The Centers for Disease Control released...

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    ATLANTA, Ga. (WEYI) - The Centers for Disease Control released information showing how many people who died from COVID-19 had comorbidities or underlying conditions as they are sometimes referred to by doctors.

    RELATED LINK: CDC has not reduced the death count related to COVID-19

    According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions. Other names to describe comorbid conditions are coexisting or co-occurring conditions and sometimes also “multimorbidity” or “multiple chronic conditions."

    Comorbidity and underlying conditions can both be used to describe conditions that exist in one person at the same time. These can also contribute to a persons death who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

    and this...

    Lots of numbers are being thrown around, touting how effective different vaccines are at preventing symptomatic coronavirus infections.

    These calculations are based on vaccine trials, which have been performed on tens of thousands of volunteer shot-takers around the world.

    But what do these percentages really mean?

    Vaccine efficacy measures how well a vaccine worked at preventing disease during a well-managed clinical trial. The number is an estimate, designed to give a general sense of how good shot protection may be.

    To reach it, researchers tally up all the people in a vaccine trial who got sick during the study period. Then they compare how many of those participants were vaccinated, and how many were not. Both Moderna and Pfizer said that roughly 95% of the people who got sick with COVID-19 during their trials had not received vaccines, while 5% had.

    That does not mean that a vaccine is going to be 95% effective at stamping out all disease, even the asymptomatic kind. It does not mean that 5% of vaccinated people globally will get sick. And it does not mean that, once you are fully vaccinated, you have a 5% risk of getting COVID-19.

    At best, it provides a temporary snapshot, a vaccine maker’s rough estimate as to how well their vaccine will perform at curbing symptomatic infections in the general public, based on just a few months worth of trial data.

    Vaccine efficacy rates are a rough guess at how the shots will work in practice.

    business insider

    Freedom of choice ,freedom to choose,is not anti vax or Anti everything. its democracy.
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