This food thing is very interesting in that many in the west are...

  1. 2,677 Posts.
    This food thing is very interesting in that many in the west are indicating anarchy etc will result. But have you really considered the impact on the average western person on the rise in grains and other agricultural products. We spend a lot of money on takeway or prepared meals at restuarants. Think about the next time you have your chinese meal and the price of the rice you ordered and the actually cost. Even if the price of rice double, the price of the rice meal should only go up by the increased cost.

    Or the cost of the steak meal etc. The cost of the food is a very small proportion when compared to overheads etc.

    It is the reason why people still drive gas guzzlers when petrol is now $1.50 a litre. Not a big deal in the big picture.

    However, thae issue is different on the poorer countries were takeaway meals etc are a rarity, for them it is an issue and usually they dont pay tax so any changes in tax wont help.

    the issues they have there is more to do with polictical and cultureral issues that either promote high population growth rates or restrict production. And they are difficult issues to tackle.
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