what's the cheapest way to get divorced?, page-44

  1. 27,056 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 178
    Young blokes should see the family court decisionses befor they even think about weddings.
    All they see is a heap of girls at his place poring over wedding photo's of their girlfriends and going ga ga.
    Blokes get attention when they are good at football or scateboarding etc etc etc.females in this age group can no longer get attention....so let's get engaged....that wears off after her girlfriends have seen the ring shoved under their nose 5 milllion times.....so her next move is to force him into marriage....her friends see the wedding pics 5 million times and that wears off .....no attention.
    SO the next move is preganancy ...and so it go's and goes
    PS.Neverending....but get the boys onto ...what WILL happen to them in The Family Court....of destruction....of Australia
    It's a one way street....Been there done that
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