whats wrong with brw ???

  1. 178 Posts.

    I used to be an Avid reader of BRW Business Review Weekly (10yrs) ago, but find that the content & issues are exactly the way they were 15-20 years ago.
    Why cant they update themselves & actually be relevant to today's info-hungry readers.

    Why pay roughly $10/mth for stories which are just news stories you can read in the newspapers (online for free) & dont go very in-depth or do not analyse big news events such as international, but ONLY local.
    I can read international business news by reading online mags such as Forbes, Fortune, Economist, FT, Business week or a whole plethora of news sites. For Australian business news I can go to SMH or The Australian for most business news or even AFR.

    I personally think they (BRW) dropped the ball around 2000 or about the time of the dot coms. Every paper / magazine had something relevant about this internet phenomenon but BRW kept churning out the same ol same ol ...
    Instead they should have included pieces about what Ozzies were trying to do in this space even if most attempts were pretty pathetic & didnt end up as the next Amazon or Yahoo. Even now, it should devote a section (read a few pages) to the some of the latest & greatest innovations happening in Oz or even a section to Architecture/design whats happening & some trends.

    BRW has never really innovated ever since the founder Robert Gottliebsen left & is stuck in the slow lane. Unless things change this magazine will die a slow death of irrelevancy.. how pathetic when things could have been so different. (Note: the only thing I ever read/buy BRW is for the top 200, but even then they should make a few changes)
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