What's_Crystal_Methamphetamine_Feel_Like, page-31

  1. 82,083 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    "For example Sherpas in the Himalayas have evolved to survive in low oxygen air.

    Australian aborigines have evolved to survive cold nights in the deserts"

    I don't know about that

    on the Australian aborigines -- well, I can survive cold nights in deserts ---- I go out in a T shirt down to just a flys fart above zero - quite comfortably -
    I wouldn't have done that years ago - but, getting used to being in colder areas and training during the transition periods (now for me) - seems to work well -
    so, I doubt if there's been a lot of evolution there barring what we had when we survived the ice age - I might be wrong, but, I don't think so.

    Remember - we didn't really evolve to survive the ice age ------ what we did was - we invented the needle.

    ""For example Sherpas in the Himalayas have evolved to survive in low oxygen air."

    hmmm - yes, possibly with one generation to the next - but, I would have thought that any healthy child who grew up at higher altitudes would survive and thrive in the lower oxygen air.

    Edmund Hilary wasn't a Sherpa - and, by god - he got to the top -

    that's 8,849 m --------- my guess is that he was a NZ kid who spent a lot of time up things - and, his body got used to it.

    I spent some time at a mere 2,500 m a few weeks back and thought I was ready for death - my god, that was uncomfortable -

    but, I reckon if I work at it - even now - way beyond being a kid - if I work it up at about 1500 for a while - then, a trip to 2,500 m would not be like my first trip was

    half of the bloody planet has climbed Everest and a heap of Kiwis go up big rocky things all the time --- so - I'm not sold on that we evolved there - more than we did - hundreds of thousands of years back

    I am rolling here on feeling - not on research - so, I won't stand fixed on any of it - but, it all seems to make sense to me.

    oh - I agree on genetic variation ----------- inside our own populations as well
    Last edited by pintohoo: 13/10/21
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