when christ returns, will he find any faith , page-13

  1. 6,316 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 54
    Actually taughtbuffet,

    I hope Bytee does have whatever he believes in tested.

    The two scriptures I am often reminded of.
    Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see. The other one: Without faith it is impossible to please God.

    I don't see faith as meaning some mystical whim of a prayer.
    No, it's in your walk as a believer and your relationship in Jesus. No point having a theological background without the action. Have had many experiences where I have had to step out by faith and trusting that God would honour that by meeting my needs. Notice I said needs and not wants.
    Needs are scriptural. Wants aren't. He provides all our needs.

    Prime example recently. A dear lady from our church who had been in excellent health, suddenly became hospitalised overnight. She went from being perfectly healthy to gravely ill. There was every chance she may not make it.
    The whole church prayed and interceded on her behalf. Her husband remained a tower of strength. We continued to pray and hold onto the promises of God even during the darkest moments. She made it through and she came to church for the first time in 4 weeks. When I spoke with her this morning she shared with us how she knew that she wasn't going to die because the lord was showing her all the people that were praying and interceding for her. She also said that she was prepared to be with her maker if it was his will.
    In this case it wasn't his will.

    Sure, there may be many here that may say "Prove it".
    Frankly, I don't have to prove a thing.
    You sew the seed of testimony and allow the hyperventilators to erupt and spout forth their earthly wisdom and knowledge.
    Rather funny as many of them splash oodles of cut & paste.

    Funny thing is, one day there will be decision time for them to either choose life or reject Jesus. We were all given a freewill.

    Who are the Saints? The Christians who follow Jesus and does his will.

    The bible gives believers many warnings about being not only hearers of the word, but doers as well. To claim to be a Christian and not have the relationship with Jesus is foolishness and will lead many through the wide gate.
    Revelations gives a distinct warning to the 7 churches today.

    Not a time to be complacent.

    Cheers markco2
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