MXG multiplex group

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  1. 3,698 Posts.
    re: mxg - to get hammered Building defects
    May 28, 2005
    Multiplex chairman steps down
    The gaping hole in Multiplex's earnings has swallowed its founder, writes Kate Askew.

    It's the seedy underbelly of the country's construction industry - corrupt former police, extortion threats and none too subtle allusions to Mario Puzo's Godfather series in the form of severed heads of native animals.

    The more prosaic financial business pales in comparison. For Multiplex, that's litigation on three continents, a rash of property sales in the space of a month, waning broker support and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission breathing down your neck.

    The combination of both should be enough to leave the Roberts family wondering why they'd bothered to take their private company, Multiplex, public in the first place.

    Investors were left wondering the same thing yesterday, when the Multiplex board acknowledged it had no idea how much money the company would earn this year.

    Executives and directors have bunkered down this weekend to sort out the mess.

    It appears that company founder and family patriarch John "Fatty" Roberts, 72, had little choice but to take responsibility. The internal report delivered at Thursday's meeting on what is proving to be Multiplex's albatross - the Wembley Stadium project - left its board publicly exposed for the second time in three months. Not only were the Wembley losses burgeoning but, astonishingly, it couldn't say to what extent.

    AdvertisementWith the corporate watchdog already investigating the company's disclosures of the past six months, the Multiplex board decided it - and thus the market - was uninformed and called a trading halt.

    Roberts senior had "voluntarily resigned" from the executive chairmanship at the marathon board meeting on Thursday. That was in stark contrast to previous weeks, when in spite of health problems as a result of his diabetic condition, he had been "very much back in control", according to a company insider.

    Roberts took the blame and the lesser role of a director. Another boardroom casualty was Noel Henderson, head of the company's construction division - with projects that include Wembley. The board, which had already discussed appointing deputy chairman Allan McDonald as independent chairman, as well as appointing another independent director, decided it was time to act.

    Multiplex's problems at Wembley started last year, beginning with litigation involving a subcontractor, specialist bridge engineering firm Cleveland Bridge.

    The fallout was so extensive that John Roberts offered to kick in $50 million personally to reimburse the company for any losses. Yesterday, Multiplex admitted it couldn't even be sure that the indemnity would cover the losses.

    And all in the face of the UK press still in uproar about whether the stadium will be delivered on time, particularly for the FA Cup final opening on May 13 next year.

    Multiplex's hardball tactics with subcontractors have won it a tough reputation. But in the UK the rules are different. A decade ago, a year-long government and industry-funded inquiry resulted in a construction bill being introduced in the UK Parliament that protects subcontractors.

    And beyond Wembley, other issues have simmered in the UK - with concrete subcontractor PC Harrington.

    Noel Henderson, Multiplex director until yesterday, who retains the chair of its construction division, said earlier this week: "We've had a few issues there, but the issues there weren't enough to stop the contract on White City."

    The White City shopping centre development in west London, supposedly one of the jewels in the company's crown, was sold last week for what appeared to be a loss. The market was spooked and Multiplex securities tumbled to an all-time low.

    But it is not only in the UK that the company's relationships with sub-contractors have gone awry.

    In Dubai, seven subcontractors had sued the Nasa Multiplex-Al Futtaim Carillon joint venture responsible for the Dubai marina project, claiming more than £10 million ($24 million). In an interview last August with trade magazine Construction News UK, Ashwani Sharma, the managing director of one of the subcontractors, Convergent, said his group would not work with Multiplex again "at any price".

    Multiplex's Henderson says: "The report that we had two weeks ago was that [the litigation] was inactive. We have only one contractor that has an issue with us and we're still attempting to negotiate a settlement with him."

    Henderson wants it known that Multiplex doesn't ever sue its subcontractors, but would rather negotiate a settlement. Take, for example, an ongoing dispute in Queensland.

    Patrick McMonagle's firm Sun Engineering is suing the Multiplex-Watpac joint venture over the construction of the roof of Brisbane's Suncorp Stadium.

    McMonagle says working for a Multiplex-Watpac joint venture was his worst experience in 30 years of business. "I eventually had to go away for a while, and I've got many children and in-laws working with us and it affected us all," he says.

    The design required re-engineering and - having signed an onerous contract making his company liable for the safety of the construction - McMonagle had to fund specialist structural engineering work. Multiplex claimed damages for the extra time taken for the roof.

    Henderson says his group had been "unable to negotiate a settlement" because it had been acting on behalf of a division of the Queensland Government that was involved in the stadium deal. "That's been the frustration for both Sun and us."

    It is, however, a source of frustration which McMonagle says he knows nothing about. "That's news to me," says the head of Sun, who has never heard of Henderson and says there never were any discussions of settlement. The Queensland Government was similarly ambivalent about a settlement. "The Government has no contractual relationship with Sun Engineering," says a spokesman for Robert Schwarten, the Queensland Minister for Public Works.

    A smaller subcontractor, Tony Schepis, has been pursuing Multiplex since the early 1990s about two soured contracts in Sydney worth about $1.6 million.

    His experience is a common one across the building and construction industry in Australia, where subcontractors regularly fall out with the bigger contractors.

    "Most people do get their lawyer to have a look at [the contract]. My lawyer warned me not to sign it; it was erroneous," Schepis says.

    Why did he sign it? Schepis says that Multiplex executive Jim McGreevy told him the provisions weren't aimed at him. "Jim McGreevy said, 'We only use these for rogue contractors but you are one of our preferred contractors after the work you did at the Novotel,"' Schepis recalls.

    Multiplex's Henderson says there had been a power shift in the past 10 years. "... the risk has been shifted across the table from the developer across to the contractors which, of course, gets handed down to the subcontractor," he says.

    Schepis says his company had "started putting together stainless steel parts to go in the kitchens. [Then] they started changing the specs on us, different than what the original specifications of the contract were."

    In building lingo, they call it "variations". For a subcontractor, the extent of the changes in the contract can mean the difference between a profitable job and one that makes a loss.

    "We got on with the job [but] their programming was so unorganised and delayed that we were unable to take any other contract work on [and] we were facing massive, massive downtime," Schepis says.

    In the end, he says, Multiplex was running 22 weeks late.

    A project manager who has worked for a range of construction companies in Sydney says: "Basically [a] builder creates a paper trail so it shows all the way along the subcontractor was to blame - then they can sue for damages caused by delays."

    That, in the same lingo, is called liquidated damages.

    And given most builders require subcontractors to put up bank guarantees (usually about 5 per cent of the total contract value), the onus is on the sub-contractor to prove why they should get their money back.

    In fact, Multiplex gave Schepis back his bank guarantee, but after he signed a deed of release.

    Unlike other contractors who might limp away from their experience with big construction firms and be unable to afford litigation, Schepis's obsession with what he sees as his mistreatment at the hands of Multiplex has led him to bombard the company with letters and emails for the past 14 years.

    In 2003, Schepis flew to Perth with the now jailed former detective Roger Rogerson.

    Schepis and Rogerson drove to the Roberts family's Swan Valley property and called John Roberts on his mobile to announce their arrival. Roberts, Schepis says, said he was in London and couldn't see them.

    Schepis won't let up. He and a group of subcontractors are talking to a Sydney law firm about mounting a class action against Multiplex.

    It doesn't take too much digging to find Multiplex has other distractions most public companies don't.

    In March, an extortion threat against Multiplex - believed by police to be from a disgruntled subcontractor - became public. But in the hurly burly of the building industry, threats against Multiplex and its workers haven't been restricted to a single occasion.

    Multiplex employs an accountant - David Hicks - to audit sub-contractors and undertake mediation between itself and its sub-contractors.

    Last year, severed kangaroo heads were discovered in the hull of Hicks's catamaran, moored at Woolloomooloo Wharf. Multiplex has spent about $30,000 on new digital security cameras at the nearby Wharf Terraces, where Hicks owns an apartment, following the threat against him.

    Multiplex doesn't advertise its relationship with Hicks, who works for it on a contractual basis - but there are myriad links.

    Hicks often parks a Multiplex/Hicks-sponsored rally car in his two car spaces underneath the Wharf Terraces. The terraces were developed by Multiplex and Walker Corp. The relationship with Hicks doesn't end there. The body corporate for the marina strata at the terraces paid $4000 in fees to David Hicks & Co in 2004 and the residential strata paid $5200 for services rendered.

    Apart from Hicks and his troubles, the Wharf Terraces have been a headache for Multiplex since owners began taking up residence on completion of the development in 1998. Some residents have been up in arms about defects to the properties since.

    In another threat of litigation against Multiplex, residents voted at a meeting on May 3 to take legal action within 14 days if Multiplex did not agree to fix the problems. It appears this was merely a threat. "It's all a bit of chest-barrelling," says John Gerathy, a former president of the strata committee and terrace owner who attended the May 3 meeting.

    Gerathy says there were issues with the terraces, some of which have yet to be fixed, but he says Multiplex appears to be willing to come to the party.

    But it is the bigger financial questions which are distracting stockmarket investors. For all the much-touted plans for growth spruiked at the time of its 2003 float, Multiplex has spent the past month downsizing. Smaller is the new bigger at Multiplex.

    Suddenly, after spruiking its growth opportunities in the UK to investors, last week Multiplex offloaded its minority stake in White City - its prized UK asset which rival Westfield had been itching to get its hands on.

    Little wonder the sale spooked market investors. They interpreted the move as Multiplex having changed its stance on its UK growth prospects. As soon as Multiplex announced the sale of its 12.5 per cent stake in the UK White City to Westfield, its securities sank as low as $2.93 from a high of $5.45 last December.

    Not helping was the company's coyness about whether or not the sale was made at a loss.

    Deutsche Bank's property team encapsulated the market mood, saying that selling White City raised questions about Multiplex's ability to fund long- term growth in the UK market and its strategy concerning major developments. There were doubts about Multiplex's ability to live up to its promises.

    Nor is it just the shrinking price of Multiplex securities and shrinking size of its property portfolio that have created unrest. The company also has been furiously rejigging its finances.

    At a time when its peers are turning away from financial instruments that require assets to be put up as security, Multiplex's bankers appear to be intent on sticking with the status quo.

    On May 9, the Multiplex Property Trust came out with a whiz-bang $1 billion refinancing involving commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) - with mortgage-backed being the operative word. They are secured over various Multiplex Property Trust assets, from shopping centres to office towers.

    "It indicates that none of the banks are happy lending on an unsecured asset," says a leading financier. "Multiplex's peers are moving away from CMBS to bond financing."

    After questions were raised last week about the company's financial security, its banker, ANZ, came out and defended the company's finances. ANZ says the mortgage-backed securities were agreed to by Multiplex and itself when Multiplex bought the assets of Ronin property trust six months ago, as way of reducing the company's cost of debt.

    Yesterday, ANZ said it had nothing to add to its earlier comments.

    "The idea for the CMBS program was originally developed in the second half of 2004," Multiplex's company secretary Mark Wilson says. "This program was developed to access debt through the capital markets, which is cheaper and which has a longer term than that available through the group's traditional banking sources.

    "The security offered by the group is no greater than that previously granted to its banks."

    He says the refinancing reduces Multiplex cost of debt by close to 1 percentage point.

    In terms of the sale of White City, the most significant aspect of the deal is that it unlocks funds - £220 million in project retention funds, to be precise.

    And while the company's explanations following the announcements stemmed speculation about the extent of its financial difficulties, investors again questioned Multiplex's management about the move from private to public.

    Not helping Multiplex's woes was the sale several weeks earlier of a swag of office assets in Multiplex Trust. Funds garnered from the sale were used to buy half of the World Square retail precinct from Multiplex's own development arm.

    World Square was proving troublesome to fill - Multiplex was offering retailers all manner of incentives to take up space - not helped in the least by Westfield's plans to redevelop its city retail precinct.

    "They [Westfield] design their centres so they [customers] don't leave," a Sydney property developer says. "It is horrifying that they [Multiplex] think they can compete."

    Multiplex's view is quite different. Wilson says the group's retail team would have been happy to keep 100 per cent of the development.

    "The expectation is that it will be 96 per cent leased when the acquisition of the asset settles at the end of July," he says.

    If the market's twitchiness at the past month's decisions was unreasonable - as some stockbroking analysts have written - Friday's announcement only served to prove that Multiplex itself can't be sure of the company's financial standing.

    Certainly, the UK press has not let up, since Multiplex's first shock announcement on Wembley, on speculation that the stadium will not be delivered on time.

    Earlier this month, London's Guardian newspaper carried the headline, "New fears over Wembley delay".

    The story went on to say: "Wembley executives last night admitted that they are unable to guarantee that the stadium construction will be completed in time for the 2006 FA Cup final to be staged there a year tomorrow."

    It based that statement on comments from Wembley's chief executive, Michael Cunnah, who, it says, "acknowledged there could be a delay in the project".

    "Multiplex [the building contractors] tell us that everything is on schedule. If they are late, everyone will be disappointed but it will not really be the end of the world. The main thing is that we are building a magnificent stadium for an agreed price," the report said.

    Multiplex's Henderson says that Wembley Stadium chairman Michael Jeffries called him personally to tell him that Cunnah had been misquoted.

    Come Monday, the market will know if he was misquoted or not.

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