UNS 0.00% 0.5¢ unilife corporation

when is the reverse split coming?, page-8

  1. 293 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    A reverse split at this stage should happen and will happen.

    A higher share price is likely to attract additional investors put off by a low share price and questions of compliance. Do you really think existing US holders will vote against something likely resulting in the company being delisted? You'd have to be delusional to think that. Just let it happen, staying listed in the US is a must for the success of this company.

    The reverse split will likely be accompanied with positive news to jump start trading. IMHO regarding a new CEO and business roadmap. I think these guys have a plan and know what they are doing.

    Whether this guy ends up trading at $4.50 or $45 reverse split in 6 months time makes little difference to us. Just adjust your conversion calculations.

    Delisting from the US is the worst possible outcome for this guy right now.
    Last edited by BigPlums: 07/04/16
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