When officially have you left Australia, page-8

  1. 2,950 Posts.
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    WangChung, post: To take your 'energy supplement' example.....

    In the context of an overseas holiday (like the cruise you mentioned), should you even be qualifying for an energy supplement if you can afford that long overseas?

    What about if your spouse or teenagers are still at home? Maybe you are going overseas for family issue in leisurely manner, and need to spend that amount of time abroad.

    I just did a quick search on the web too be able to answer you. There are may be other benefits effected, depending, whether you on a pension or concession card.

    WangChung. Maybe a better discussion between us, would the number of people receiving a pension or dole and running a business overseas. Telling Centrelink, that they are only going on holidays!

    Slipping, are you encouraging people to deceive Centrelink! As far as I know, this info is sent to Centrelink and DVA.

    Radicool Views
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