Pinto I think thats a tad wishful thinking mate. Every war ever...

  1. 11,738 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    Pinto I think thats a tad wishful thinking mate. Every war ever fought there's been an aggressor and a defender. The causes of those wars has usually been people wanting to expand their influence and power. WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Timor, Irag, Afghanstan, Uklraine, all due to nations trying to expand their influence. I very much doubt that we will ever be able to rid the planet of such people, as history usually dictates the future.
    Look at Australia's current dilemma with out major trading partner. China is clearly hell bent on expansion, so what do we do? I think it would be naive to think they wouldn't love to get hold of our resources if they could. The South China Sea has got no connecton to just Taiwan.
    It''s why I agree with buying the new subs as a deterrant, they may never fire an angry shot but having them will mean far greater security. They cost a bucket load yes but they provide a bucket load of security. This is also where the timidness which Oz society has been over the decades enters the equation. Instead of hanging off the apron strings of the Poms (ww2 showed how reliable they are) or the Yanks, we need to stand up and do it for ourselves and stop being so reliant. We cannot stop the threats, so we need to be prepared to repel them. It's big boy pants time with lashings of good diplomacy.
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