When will Anzac Day be recognised as a mistake and colonisation propaganda?? Is it a fraud??, page-62

  1. 83,970 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    today - a huge amount of the wars are created by Americans wanting to profit from arms sales

    it's why we call it a military industrial complex

    'Industry' uses the military to start, fight and maintain wars - so they can sell industrial product

    Australia - is dragged into the things - because Australia thinks it's too weak to stand without America --------

    and that means - a lack of security.

    If Australia was 'secure' - it would not have to bow to America --------

    the word 'security' is a vastly different kettle of fish to the word 'defence'.

    Australia has NEVER driven towards security - it has NEVER sat and thought it through

    Australia doesn't even have a national motto --------------- can one believe that.

    And why does it not have a motto? ---------------- Because it has no goal. No vision, no aim, no drive.

    Australia blunders on - step after step - like an aimless wanderer --------- thoughtlessly, only pausing to patch up a hole as it falls face first

    paying no respect to it's war dead in what really is the only way to truly honour them - and that is --------------to make a nation that does not have to send it's young to 'defend' from or attack anyone else.

    We have no idea at all of what even security means ------- our entire lives are spent selling off whatever we can scratch about and find and going to buy bigger houses so we can fill them with more and more shit.

    All for self - not a thought for making a better society for all.
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