when will Europe have enough migrants, page-2

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    It will probably be too late but this is what the globalists want. Nationalism, sovereignty and culture are blasphemous to globalists and are akin to Nazism. Obama even said in a speach that his aim was to "increase wages in developing countries so that America could compete". In other words, strengthen the weak at America's expense.

    There will be mini civil wars in Europe within a few decades and many European countries will try to put the toothpaste back in the tube. It will be interesting to see how Sweden fairs . The UN has forecast them to reduce on the HDI (human development index) down to that of some developing & third world countries. This is due to unsustainable welfare and the constant influx of migrants. Luckily, many Swedish elites don't think they have a culture so there isn't much to save. Therefore they choose to import people who have "culture" to enrich their country,

    Tic tic tic .....
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