OAK 3.45% 6.0¢ oakridge international limited

When will SP rally so holders can exit., page-73

  1. 252 Posts.
    As noted on Chris Woods' email, Martin left a prominent job at Intel to join XPED ( unknown small company). Who would do that ? Unless he believes on the potential. He does not need to invest money into the company, he has already done more than what money can buy? Be part of setting up a company with huge contribution to IOT. WATCH THIS SPACE.
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5.8¢ 6.0¢ 5.8¢ $2.745K 45.83K

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2 19557 6.0¢

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7.0¢ 13324 1
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Last trade - 15.22pm 24/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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