Where are the men in all this?

  1. 13,068 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 21
    I was watching TV on Saturday morning, it was a morning talk show.
    They were discussing "where are the men in all this" about how men should be stepping in to make sure other men don't sexually mistreat women.
    This is an abomination.
    Firstly, the judges that preside over the cases, and the juries contain men.
    In fact, I think the same women probably complain that there aren't enough female judges.
    The wardens that manage the prisons which contain thousands of prison officers (men) who keep the rapists at bay.
    Men again.
    These women ARE protected by men at every level and not only do they inflate and exaggerate male mistreatment of women, they say that we don't care and don't do anything about it.
    The problem to me is MSM management allowing such ignorant violent filth to pollute the airwaves.
    Who sits around in the boardrooms and allows men to be urinated on like this?
    To the leadership of MSM I say this.....
    "Where are the men in all this?"
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