where are the visionaries?

  1. 765 Posts.

    Politics in Australia has become the domain of the timid.A 7 second grab for the 6 oclock news.

    Can someone please step forward and offer something innovative,inspired, a vision for the future of the nation that doesn't involve Australia being led down the path of the mundane.What have we recieved for being the "lucky country"..?insulation for our homes....school halls at inflated prices....maybe a big screen tv courtesy of government handouts.We sit here congratulating ourselves for not being Europe or the US yet continue to elect leaders without vision who will ultimately lead us down the same road.

    When will we see Nuclear Power Generation,port and rail access to the north, northwest of the nation(the whole of the Northern Territory can be opened up)A sustainable solution for the Murray Darling.....All nation building Ideas but unfortunately worth so few votes.

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