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where are those die hard supporters now, page-38

  1. 14,001 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1055

    Firstly Ronstieb is one of the oiler posters most worthy of respect.

    "A1 will probably be a duster." There should be no argument about that, it is a matter of FACT, not of opinion, and furthermore stating it is nothing like the same as wishing that will be the outcome.

    Woodside. Well atm they are content to try to acquire more gas by exploration. The outcome of that search will determine whether in a year or so they are more receptive or not to 3rd party gas.

    As for Woodside farming into Caterina (a completely different subject), I am sure that will simply be a matter of whether their geo's like the look of what they've seen enough, vs their inhouse generated drilling prospects. For Woodside just pocket money (and I very much doubt signing bonuses).

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