Where are we in the investment cycle?, page-5

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    That about sums up how confused BREXIT is.

    As for the ASX investment clock, I read that when they put it out and thought it was screwed up by QE and easy money comming at the stroke of the last collapse. Now we are at the top of the markets, top of property, quite unwarranted optimism and no rising rates.
    Rates have gone below zero in some countries and stayed their. Our own RBA wont raise rates because it does not want to be the catalyst for the next collapse and if they raise rates they know they will be just that.

    I retain my view that this is more likely to be a gradual grind downward because of easy money, QE and no rate rises.
    I also retain my view that lots more retail investors will lose significant money in the markets because of this gradual decay and they will be using most of their spare change trying to pay over extended mortgages with no wage rises and rises in the cost of living.
    Rising oil, Gas, power, rates, insurance are all raising the cost of living whether the govt stats show that or not. Most people I talk to a saying all or most of the above have risen for them.

    Low wages
    About 2% max interest in money in investment accounts
    Rising utilities
    Rising property rates
    Rising fuel costs
    Rising insurance
    Rising communications costs on NBN.

    All this and this government wants to cut corporate tax. After what we have seen from corporations sending our tax money off shore and cheating us out of our money they want to give them more by cutting their tax. Where will they make up that short fall from???
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