Where covid is the only attributable cause of death., page-30

  1. 8,605 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 912
    The CEO of Pfizer is on record saying he does not need to take the vaccine as he's immune system is just fine as it is. He indicated his unselfishness by wanting to pass the vaccine on to others more needy - others whose immune system is allegedly below par.

    Looking at the age of the CEO, one would have to say he must be an absolute legend - both in his health condition and his humanitarian unselfishness.

    I would think Mr. N. Djokovic is in even better health and better physique but of course his immune system is in dire need of a vaccine that the Pfizer CEO is happy to so unselfishly pass on to all - including top sports people. Perhaps the two men should meet on court to see who has the stamina and fitness level to last longer. Of course that would be unfair, but isn't the expectation of getting a vaccine that one doesn't need likewise and a vaccine that the CEO also acknowledged doesn't have the claimed efficacy levels???

    Move over Delta - your wave is over as is the original wave - Omicron has taken centre stage - for now. Looks as though the waves come and go - could it possibly be due because of those being vaccinated - if so, the unvaccinated are still at risk of catching the first wave, then Delta and then with Omicron and preemptively the upcoming new one - release date shortly.

    If on the other hand the earlier versions have simply vanished and now replaced by the current wave then the 'very few' unvaccinated (few according to media and some reports) have thus far managed to 'dodge the bullet'. The current wave is reported to be mild - those thus far unvaccinated, if one follows the logic, should be fine.

    Vaccine hesitancy has a more stronger counterpart - that being vaccine adamancy. The vaccine hesitant do not call the vaccine adamant all kind of rude names and it does show just how far some are prepared to go in order to achieve an agenda. What exactly is wrong with questioning anyhow? Man has a brain - man chooses to use it - man gets bagged for choosing - man needs operation to remove brain, remove brain hence remove option to choose - problem solved. Replace brain by preprogrammed microchips - after all, we do tell our kids - 'don't argue, go and do as you're told'. Why waste another breadth when one could do it with the push of a button.

    I guess not everyone wants updates - some choose to select updates to 'windows' rather than their body functions. Then there are so many who choose to get their daily updates from mainstream media and adamantly believe every word. When one has been lied to time and time again and still believe - then I would suggest one is in denial as they so desperately want to believe in a leadership that invariably may let them down.

    My family also 'escaped' from a more oppressive country from way back but now, if given a chance, would be happy to live in places like Russia.

    In general, in my view it would be fair to say that the average person in many countries is friendly and welcoming - people much poorer than my own self are happy to share everything their humble meagre existance affords them.

    It is politics, propaganda and power with all it's colourful shades gets in the way of people's lives. The PPP for the P. AIMHO

    Thank you for your kind words and sincerely wish you and yours the best.

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