Where is economic sovereignty now?, page-5

  1. 5,237 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 35
    It is interesting to note that notwithstanding the video's presenter very narrowed focus and selective approach to economic development, his insistence on a strong government completely goes against the idea of a stateless society being advocated by the people behind the creation of this thread.

    Everybody with a bit of knowledge knows that while North Korea embarked upon an autocentric economic development strategy South Korea embarked upon an exported oriented strategy leading to its very successful integration into the global economy.

    Something now for those same people mentioned above and whose full text is available in the Wikipedia.

    The economy of South Korea is a highly developed mixed economy.[23][24][25] By nominal GDP, the economy was worth ₩2.24 quadrillion (US$1.72 trillion). It has the 4th largest economy in Asia and the 12th largest in the world. South Korea is notable for its rapid economic development from an underdeveloped nation to a developed, high-income country in a few generations. This economic growth has been described as the Miracle on the Han River,[25]...

    To promote development, a policy of export-oriented industrialization was applied, closing the entry into the country of all kinds of foreign products, except raw materials. Agrarian reforms were carried out andPark nationalized the financial system to swell the powerful state arm, whose intervention in the economy was through five-year plans.[40]The spearhead was the chaebols, diversified family conglomerates such as Hyundai, Samsung, and LG Corporation, which received state incentives such as tax breaks, legality for their exploitation system and cheap or free financing: the state bank facilitated the planning of concentrated loans by item according to each five-year plan, and by economic group selected to lead it."

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