where is edward snowden, page-21

  1. 7,590 Posts.
    meerkat said:

    it should come as no surprise that the sycophantic political parties of all shades in Australia simply follow the Yankee line.

    1) I'm not surprised that is why I will be voting for the PUP and KAP at the next election.

    The Labor Party is as spineless and weak as any other.

    2) I agree. They put 85,000 single parents on the dole.

    Overseas political and corporate interests are well catered for in Australia. Consider for instance the filth which companies such as Monsanto are allowed to spread all over the 'lucky country'.

    3) Agreed. And our own scientists are exposing this.

    We are just too gutless to tell the Monsantos of this world to shove their poison up their collective ass. Not so the Phillipines or Japan or Russia, but good 'ole Aussie - how far would you like us to bend over?

    As for Snowden, he was in a position to spill far more sensitive information both military and diplomatic but he never did. He is in fact a hero though unfortunately it is he who will pay the price for defending the freedoms which others critical of him so ignorantly enjoy.

    4) I agree. Bust most sheeple are out buying the latest Justin Bieber single or tuning into commercial TV.

    The US needs to be sent a firm message that it cannot trample as it likes over anyone's priviledges and expect the rest of the world to like it. America's imperialism needs to be challenged.

    5) The American media hate Ron Paul types. They will always back the status quo. Australia too. Just check out Coles and Woolworths. IGA, Aldi and Costco for me thanks. :)

    I never thought I'd say it but I'm beginning to like Putin and others for sticking it to America. The Yanks have grown too big for their boots.

    6) Russians are as untrustworthy as Americans/Pohms. I have lived in Australia in the past and experienced plenty of Russian/Chetnik inspired violence as a child. Don't fool yourself.

    I'll say it again because most people just don't understand where our current 'freedoms' come from. They were never granted willingly to the mass populations by former elites - they had to be fought for.

    7) Kokoda. Agree there.

    Now we have imperialist powers dominating or attempting to dominate every 'western democracy' either overtly or by stealth. Freedoms such as they exist are being steadily eroded in the name of fighting a war on terror. A moment's reflection would show how empty that premise is.

    8) Agree.

    And finally, some mutt is bound to post that if it wasn't for the US that we'd all be living in some Nazi state if it wasn't for the intervention of the Yanks in WWII.

    9) We would be living in a different country that's for sure.


    Well, for the information of the ignorant, it was Russia which stopped the Nazi war machine in its tracks not the British or the Yanks, as most historians (even US historians) now acknowledge.
    Total WWII related US dead (all theatres) = 400,000
    Total WWII related USSR dead = 27,000,000

    10) I agree.

    I only hope that Snowden isn't murdered by some State sponsored freedom loving democratic country such as you-know-who. They just love killing their own as well as everyone else's if they get the chance, even Presidents are not excepted.

    11) Who knows? All I can say is. Welcome to nerd world NSA/GCHQ/ASIO/KGB
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