Where is the terrorism here?, page-6

  1. 7,449 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Investorsal a head in the stars ?

    That is YOUR honour code.

    No matter how profane & hollow I deem it to be, you do have that right to believe it.

    A right couched behind the buttressed perimeter walls of western rights founded on Judeo/Christian precepts.

    It does not stand as a self booted edifice, but was built & won on noble blood & needs constant protection, love & care,

    ... if you could even care.


    The next saner/insaner Man Haron Monis will drive his explosive laden TRUCK under the stands of an MCG game...

    Like when that lock of yours strikes "right" its second time around.

    Like when that infernal clock of yours tolled once in BALI.


    [Hmm? If Martin Bryant was an isolated case, 'as they say', then let's hand out all those guns again.]
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