where's our solidarity?, page-2

  1. 2,785 Posts.
    So this is the punchline snooker - invade Iran. Implicate Iran just like you vomitous little vermin did to Iraq before the quagmire was achieved. You people are lower than the terrorists snooker.

    "We can and must continue to fight Islamist-backed terrorism piecemeal, but we cannot hope to win the war as a whole if we, the Western nations, do not confront the most open national symbol of Islamism, the mullahcracy in Iran. This must be pursued, first and foremost, by using the ample economic and diplomatic tools at the West's disposal, and with the express goal of forcing Iran to verifiably forswear both its nuclear weapons program and its support for terrorism, as Libya has done. The European refusal so far to impose economic sanctions is quickly forcing a choice between the unacceptable – a nuclear Iran – and highly unpalatable military options"
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