EGR 5.43% 9.7¢ ecograf limited

Where's the finance???, page-133

  1. 7,397 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1152
    Hi Jaded - don't worry too much about what other people have to say just do your DD & invest as you see fit. Its your decision at the end of the day & you'll never get it 100% right 100% of the time.

    At the end of the day both KNL & MNS are spec stocks with no mine in production & no income yet BUT specs with high risk, high reward profiles.

    Trade the trade, selling is often harder than buying. I have my own ideas about the risk of KNL getting finance by the end of June quarter & have sold a % of my holding accordingly. I mean it is not a 100% sure thing no matter what anybody says but if you think it is 100% then keep 100% - risk/reward.

    Note I said B4 the end of June because if it doesn't come in then price will fall, doesn't mean they will never get finance & there won't be some more trading opportunities.

    Wow you talk about trolls on KNL, some of the plonkers that have been spouting BS on MNS over the last few years is just unreal. They were BS'ing away at 10c, 20c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 60, 70c, 80, 90c & they are still at it. It's actually VERY humorous & at the end of the day in either KNL or MNS it's YOUR bank account that tells the story. I look at mine & just laugh & laugh & laugh while the 'trolls' are busy beating their keyboards & their meats.

    IMO $50Mil MC for the progress KNL has made is just a huge joke. If they get to production we'll both the looking at our bank accounts & laughing. Start small, get cash flow & grow big is a good strategy IMO.

    There isn't just one iron ore producer & there won't be just one graphite producer. It just comes down to who can get up & running, produce the product the customer/s wants at the right price and make a good margin.

    Our graphite has better, bigger etc etc - reminds me of the colours on Tulip flower petals that drove the Tulip bulb bubble in 1600's hey they are still buying & growing Tulips

    The fat lady hasn't sung yet, anything could happen.

    I often think of Patientman, a true KNL believer, had to sell just B4 the recent move up - kinda puts it all in perspective for me.
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