OZL 0.00% $26.44 oz minerals limited

Hi Mx, Just been catching up on the posts - been busy all day...

  1. 2,012 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Hi Mx, Just been catching up on the posts - been busy all day feeverishly buying at 56 cents and then feverishly selling at 63 cents in the afternoon. Had to say that to match all the other crappers on this board!!

    Your suggestion of a party - good idea. We could use Ruddy's $900 to see off the OZ and drown our sorrows. But it will be just you and me, who have lost as long term holders, because all the know-alls who constantly say they have made heaps buying at the bottom each day - they don't qualify because they would have earnt much more than $80,000.)
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Currently unlisted public company.

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