re: yam new code mpj moonta read below was announced in there quartely:
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
Yamarna Goldfields Limited
(To be Re-named Mining Projects Group Limited)
Quarterly Report For The 3 Months
Ended 30th June 2006
• Initial drilling programme at Talga Peak project yields geochemically anomalous gossanous material indicative of polymetallic massive or near massive sulphides at depth at Cord and potentially economic gold grades at Duesenberg
• Change of Name to Mining Projects Group Limited
• Completion of 1 for 4 non-renounceable rights issue
• ASX listing of Eleckra Mines Limited
• Continued high grade drilling results from Atlas Iron’s Pardoo Project and initial JORC resources
Change of Name
On 13 July 2006 shareholders approved a change of company name to Mining Projects Group Limited (“MPJ”). This name change was undertaken as a result of the new ASX listing for Eleckra Mines Limited which acquired MPJ’s 20% interest in the Yamarna Joint Venture Project. The board considered it was no longer appropriate to call the company Yamarna Goldfields as this may lead to confusion with the new Eleckra Mines who now own 100% of the project. The company name will change on ASX to Mining Projects Group on or about 7 August 2006 and the ASX listing code to MPJ. The acronym MPJ has been applied throughout this report in anticipation of the change of company name.
Talga Peak Project
(“MPJ earning 80%)
MPJ may earn a 51% interest in the project by spending $800,000 on exploration and evaluation with a minimum expenditure commitment of $400,000. After acquiring a 51% interest MPG may earn a further 29% interest (80% in total) by payment of $2 million to the owner, Oakover Holdings Pty Ltd. Since entering into the agreement in August 2005 MPJ has spent sufficient funds to satisfy the initial expenditure commitment. A significant soil sampling and geological mapping programme was carried out resulting in the definition of at least six gold anomalous targets at the Duesenberg prospect and significant strike extensions to the previously identified and reported gossan at Cord which was interpreted to represent oxidised massive and/or disseminated VMS style gold / base metal mineralisation (Cu, Pb, Zn).
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Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
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Programme Highlights
• Shallow reconnaissance drill program commenced at Talga Peak. This program is continuing.
• Initial results indicate that a significant body of polymetalic massive or near massive sulphides may have been discovered at the Cord Prospect. Assay results to date indicate that these sulphides may have a significant gold and silver credit. These include:
o Hole TPAC022 which averaged 26.9g/t Ag and 159ppb Au over 8m from 16m downhole
o Hole TPAC027 which averaged 19.0g/t Ag and 113ppb Au over 8m from 12m downhole
o Hole TPAC028 which averaged 34.0g/t Ag and 91ppb Au over the bottom 5m of the hole from 28m downhole
o Hole TPAC040 which averaged 10.0t/g Ag and 163ppb Au over 16m from 4m downhole.
• At Duesenberg, preliminary sampling results indicate that some potentially economic gold grades have been discovered within structurally controlled zones within and adjacent to a major chert unit. These results include
o 7m grading 3.78g/t from the surface in hole TPAC079 followed by 4m grading 1.05g/t from 11m.
o 12m grading 1.05g/t from 24m followed by 10m grading 1.21g/t from 48m to the end of the hole in hole TPAC080, and
o 24m grading 0.99g/t from 40m in hole TPAC088.
A shallow reconnaissance drill program was commenced at the Talga Peak prospect and to date a total of 92 drill holes for 3700m has been completed. This program is currently continuing.
Summary of drilling statistics
Drilled m
Drilled holes
Average hole depth (m)
Composite samples assayed to date
Total drilling completed to date
Cord – VMS Prospect
The Cord prospect consists of a series of apparently “Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide” (VMS) related gossans located towards the top of the Warrawoona Group in the Pilbara. Previously reported programs of geological mapping, soil and rock chip sampling have identified polymetallic gossanous exposures and anomalous soils scattered along a strike length of at least 8.0kms.
VMS deposits, of which Golden Grove (Oxiana Ltd) and the Jaguar (Jabiru Metals) deposits in Western Australia are some local examples, form some of the worlds richest (in dollar terms per tonne) ore deposits and are very attractive exploration targets.
Illustrative Table of the In-Ground Value of VMS Deposits
Tonnes (Mt)
Est. values US$/t
Au equiv.
Golden Grove
Note: The information provided in the above table is for illustrative purposes only. The deposits mentioned are not assets of the company. The resources mentioned are sourced from the latest publicly available figures and the gold equivalence values are estimated from the metal prices from the London Metal Exchange of the 26th July 2006.
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 3
A shallow RAB drilling program designed to test the continuity of the gossanous expressions was commenced during the June Quarter. To date approximately 10% (800m of the known 8.0kms of strike) of the known mineralised horizon has been tested by drill lines generally spaced at intervals of 80 or 160m along strike.
This drilling has shown that the geochemically anomalous gossanous material is continuous from section to section over widths of up to about 40m. Preliminary assays (4m composite samples) indicate that the primary sulphides my have significant precious metal credits, viz.
o Hole TPAC022 which averaged 26.9g/t Ag and 159ppb Au over 8m from 16m downhole
o Hole TPAC027 which averaged 19.0g/t Ag and 113ppb Au over 8m from 12m downhole
o Hole TPAC028 which averaged 34.0g/t Ag and 91ppb Au over the bottom 5m of the hole from 28m downhole
o Hole TPAC040 which averaged 10.0t/g Ag and 163ppb Au over 16m from 4m downhole.
Metal values returned from this shallow drilling (average depth 35m) are, Au up to 820ppb, Ag up to 33.5g/t, Cu up to 0.28%, Pb up to 1.4%, Zn up to 930ppm, Sb up to 468% and Bi up to 6.0ppm in any individual 4m composite sample. For a more detailed listing of the anomalous geochemistry see table one attached to this report. All holes are declined at a nominal 60 degrees to the south and drill hole locations are shown on the attached plan and an outline of the geochemically anomalous gossan zone is also shown on the attached sketch sections.
These values are generally consistent with the view that a significant polymetalic sulphide body may exist at depth below the geochemically anomalous surface and near surface material that has been tested to date.
The shallow RAB drilling program is currently continuing and efforts are being made to source a large RC rig with the capacity to test the zone at depth. It is anticipated that this will be achieved during the current quarter.
Duesenberg – Au prospect
Shallow RAB drilling commenced on the Duesenberg Au prospect during the June Quarter. The Duesenberg target as previously reported consists of a large chert ridge located within the Warrawoona Group and the company has completed a geological mapping and initial soil sampling program over the chert unit and its adjacent stratigraphy. As previously reported this work resulted in the identification of a number of apparently structurally located gold in soil anomalies situated either within or adjacent to the major chert unit. This is a situation somewhat analogous to the Wingina gold deposit *1 (203,000 ozs of gold) located approximately 50kms to the west.
The shallow RAB program was designed to locate the sub-surface extensions of some of the more obvious gold in soil anomalies and to investigate their grade and width, with a view to more extensive exploration later.
The results of the preliminary 4m composite sampling indicate that some potentially economic gold grades have been discovered within structurally controlled zones within and adjacent to the major chert unit. These results include:
o 7m grading 3.78g/t from the surface in hole TPAC079 followed by 4m grading 1.05g/t from 11m.
o 12m grading 1.05g/t from 24m followed by 10m grading 1.21g/t from 48m to the end of the hole in hole TPAC080, and
o 24m grading 0.99g/t from 40m in hole TPAC088.
1 * not an asset of the company
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 4
For more detailed analytical results please see table two that is attached. The drill hole locations are shown on the attached plan and some illustrative sections are also appended.
Of particular note are the wide intersections of gold bearing material located within these structurally prepared zones and the number of holes that failed to reach the target mineralisation due to the limited capacity of the drill rig currently on site.
The shallow RAB drilling program is continuing and efforts are being increased to source a larger capacity RC drill rig to further test these gold anomalous zones.
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
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Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
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Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
Table 1 : Cord Prospect
HOLE IDTOTAL DEPTHFROMTO INTERVALAu ppbAg g/tCu ppmPb ppmZn ppmSb ppmBi ppmAs ppmAu equiv (ppb)TPAC0011741282860.4257432081442650421TPAC0022201616781.780044133592.62002423TPAC0094483628424.330332270821.33130257TPAC01443816240.450912272140.41635233TPAC0174201212180.9468827530.3681209TPAC0193843228941.3242113156442.21855238TPAC020352435eoh11+442.6994662111120.51160492TPAC021374128366.425314544291.51000255TPAC022361632168815.318126025850.82490442TPAC024430242490.46845101260.4480284TPAC02540840eoh32+311.655283138600.71310288TPAC026423242eoh10+401.341832215400.71535252TPAC0274343632446.8382382212790.5930359TPAC028372437eoh13+228.26603014162790.23605584TPAC0303902020403.512912262811040.32935630TPAC03132832eoh24+1961.36752276340.61530479TPAC0404203232915.6106855737013090594TPAC04134434eoh30+481.46931357190.81410336TPAC042342834eoh6+642.647422572650.63240292TPAC04337012121224.810712233431.93630257TPAC0464024328396.42761271317511670281TPAC0501641283260.235211122.2262361TPAC0512341281400.1282681301.4293257TPAC052184128930.313751817091.4206628TPAC0534382012100.14384283.50.558176TPAC0550012121570.2634432390.6378397Note:The gold equivalence is based on the metal prices prevailing at 25th July 2006 for Au, Ag, Cu, Pb & Zn only. This figure is presented as a guide to interpreting the worth of the geochemical anomaly and does not have any economic significance at this time. While the intersections were calculated using a minimum gold equivalence of 100ppb only those intervals where the average gold equivalence is greater than 200ppb Au have been reported. These are reported in this format as an illustration of the polymetallic nature of the drill target.SUMMARY OF WEIGHTED INTERCEPTSCORD4m COMPOSITE SAMPLES (100ppb Au equivalent cut-off) 30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 7
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 8
Table 2 : Duesenberg Prospect
HOLE IDTOTAL DEPTHFROMTO INTERVALAve. grade ppbFROMTOINTERVALAve. Grade (g/t)TPAC059248124137RATCTPAC060222022eoh2468RATCTPAC061373237eoh5213RATCTPAC06271TPAC06344162812392RATCTPAC06443484153RATCTPAC06522RATCTPAC066280RATCTPAC067400RATCTPAC06840484153RATC162812170RATCTPAC0694328324147RATCTPAC07040088514RATCTPAC0714182820248RATCTPC072393239eoh7461RATCTPAC0735802828152RATCTPAC07464088572RATC364812325RATCTPAC07552122412434RATC36404179RATCTPAC07664TPAC07756TAC07845TPAC0790444410640773.78111541.05232960.73474810.85TPAC080582458eoh32716RATCIncls2436121049RATC&4858eoh101206RATCTPAC08158044149RATC4858eoh10384RATCTPAC08258TPAC08355TPAC08449TPAC08552044185RATCTPAC08670044329RATCTPAC087792288364RATCTPAC08867406424987RATCTPAC08958TPAC090768124190RATC68724208RATCTPAC0916320288223RATC48568162RATCTPAC09257324816413RATNote:- resplit assays to comeall values <100ppball values <100ppbSUMMARY OF WEIGHTED INTERCEPTSDUESENBERG4m COMPOSITE SAMPLES (100ppb cutoff)1m RE-SPLIT SAMPLES (500ppb cutoff)all values <100ppball values <100ppb2. All weighted averages use the lower cutoff stated (either 100 or 500ppb) and have no high cutoff. The stated intervals may include on or more intervals of included waste up to 2m in length. all values <100ppball values <100ppball values <100ppball values <100ppb
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
Eleckra Mines ASX Listing
On 4 July 2006 Eleckra Mines Limited (ASX Code : EKM) listed on ASX after raising $6 million through Hartleys Limited. MPJ previously held a 20% interest in the Yamarna Joint Venture Project with Asarco Exploration holding 80%. Both MPJ and Asarco sold their respective interests in the joint venture to Eleckra in exchange for shares in Eleckra. MPJ currently holds 4.65 million shares in Eleckra representing approximately 8.0% of the company’s issued capital.
An initial drilling program comprising 3,000 metres of RC drilling in 40 holes has commenced to expand and better define the higher grade zones at Attila – Alaric. Drilling is also being undertaken to follow-up high grade intercepts at the Kahn North Prospect.
Atlas Iron Limited
Subsequent to the end of the quarter Atlas Iron Limited (ASX : AGO) reported a significant milestone with the announcement of inferred and indicated resources of 7.2mt of 57.2% Fe. This direct shipping iron ore is sufficient to commence pre-feasibility studies next month. Independent consultants have also identified potential for 1 – 1.5 billion tonnes of magnetite mineralisation grading (25 – 35% Fe). Given Atlas’ proximity to Port Hedland Atlas is well positioned to investigate the further commercial potential of this large resource.
MPJ holds approximately 3.2m shares and 2.0m options in Atlas.
On 4 July 2006 the company completed the 1 for 4 non-renounceable issue to shareholders. The issue was fully underwritten by Chifley Investment Group and raised $1.42 million before allowing for costs. On 13 July 2006 shareholders approved a further private placement to clients of Chifley Investor Group for up to 430 million new shares and 1 for 1 attaching (0.9 cent exercise price) options at a subscription price of 0.7 cents. If fully subscribed this placement will raise approximately $3.0 million before allowing for costs of the issue.
On 21 July 2006 the Australian Securities and Investments Commission approved the change of company name to Mining Projects Group Limited.
For And On Behalf Of The Board
Richard Revelins
The information in this report in relation to the Talga Peak Project was been compiled by Geoff Blackburn. Geoff Blackburn has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity which he is undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2004 Edition of the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results. Geoff Blackburn consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.
The information in this report in relation to the Eleckra Mines Limited (including the former Yamarna Joint Venture Project) was extracted from previously publicly available information compiled by Eleckra Mines Limited.
The information in this report in relation to Atlas Iron was extracted from previous ASX announcements released by Atlas Iron Limited.
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Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 10
Rule 5.3
Appendix 5B – 3rd Quarter
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
Introduced 1/7/96. Origin: Appendix 8. Amended 1/7/97, 1/7/98, 30/9/2001.
Name of Entity:
Quarter Ended ('Current Quarter')
84 006 189 331
30th June 2006
Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows
Cash Flows Related to Operating Activities
Current Quarter
Year to Date
(12 months)
Receipts from product sales and related debtors
Payments for: (a) exploration and evaluation
(b) development
(c) production
(d) administration
(e) contract services
Dividends received
Interest and other items of a similar nature received
Interest and other costs of finance paid
Income taxes paid
Other (provide details if material)
Net Operating Cash Flows
Cash Flows Related to Investing Activities
Payment for purchases of:
(a) prospects
(b) equity investments
(c) other fixed assets
Proceeds from sale of:
(a) prospects
(b) equity investments
(c) other fixed assets
Loans to other entities
Loans repaid by other entities
Other (provide details if material)
Net Investing Cash Flows
Total Operating and Investing Cash Flows
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 11
Current Quarter
Year to Date
(12 months)
Total Operating and Investing Cash Flows (Carried Forward)
Cash Flows Related to Financing Activities
Proceeds from issues of shares, options, etc.
Proceeds from sale of forfeited shares
Proceeds from borrowings
Repayment of borrowings
Dividends paid
Other (provide details if material)
Net Financing Cash Flows
Net Increase / (Decrease) in Cash Held
Cash at beginning of quarter/year to date
Exchange rate adjustments to item 1.20
Cash at End of Quarter
Payments to Directors of the Entity and Associates of the Directors
Payments to Related Entities of the Entity and Associates of the Related Entities
Current Quarter
Aggregate amount of payments to the parties included in item 1.2
Aggregate amount of loans to the parties included in item 1.10
Explanation necessary for an understanding of the transactions
Salaries, directors’ fees, corporate advisory & consulting fees at normal commercial rates
Non-Cash Financing and Investing Activities
Details of financing and investing transactions which have had a material effect on consolidated assets and liabilities but did not involve cash flows
Details of outlays made by other entities to establish or increase their share in projects in which the reporting entity has an interest
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 12
Financing Facilities Available
Add notes as necessary for an understanding of the position.
Amount Available
Amount Used
Loan facilities
Credit standby arrangements
Estimated Cash Outflows for Next Quarter
Exploration and evaluation
Reconciliation of Cash
Reconciliation of cash at the end of the quarter
(as shown in the consolidated statement of cash flows) to the related items in the accounts is as follows.
Current Quarter
Previous Quarter
Cash on hand and at bank
Deposits at call
Bank overdraft
Other (provide details)
Total: Cash at End of Quarter (item 1.22)
Changes in Interests in Mining Tenements
Tenement Reference
Nature of Interest
(note (2))
Interest at Beginning of Quarter
Interest at End of Quarter
Interests in mining tenements relinquished, reduced or lapsed
Interests in mining tenements acquired or increased
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 13
Issued and Quoted Securities at End of Current Quarter
Description includes rate of interest and any redemption or conversion rights together with prices and dates.
Total Number
Number Quoted
Issue Price Per Security (cents)
(see note 3)
Amount Paid Up Per Security (cents) (see note 3)
Preference +Securities (Description)
Changes During Quarter
(a) Increases through issues
(b) Decreases through returns of capital, buy-backs, redemptions
+Ordinary Securities
Changes during quarter
(a) Increases through issues
(b) Decreases through returns of capital, buy-backs
+Convertible debt securities (Description)
Changes during quarter
(a) Increases through issues
(b) Decreases through securities matured, converted
Options (Description and Conversion Factor)
Exercise Price
Expiry Date
Issued during quarter
Exercised during quarter
Expired during quarter
(totals only)
Unsecured notes (totals only)
Appendix 5B
Mining Exploration Entity Quarterly Report
+ See chapter 19 for defined terms.
Compliance Statement
1 This statement has been prepared under accounting policies which comply with accounting standards as defined in the Corporations Act or other standards acceptable to ASX (see note 4).
2 This statement does give a true and fair view of the matters disclosed.
Sign Here: Date: 28 July 2006
Print Name: Richard Revelins
1 The quarterly report provides a basis for informing the market how the entity’s activities have been financed for the past quarter and the effect on its cash position. An entity wanting to disclose additional information is encouraged to do so, in a note or notes attached to this report.
2 The “Nature of interest” (items 6.1 and 6.2) includes options in respect of interests in mining tenements acquired, exercised or lapsed during the reporting period. If the entity is involved in a joint venture agreement and there are conditions precedent which will change its percentage interest in a mining tenement, it should disclose the change of percentage interest and conditions precedent in the list required for items 6.1 and 6.2.
3 Issued and quoted securities The issue price and amount paid up is not required in items 7.1 and 7.3 for fully paid securities.
4 The definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 1022: Accounting for Extractive Industries and AASB 1026: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report.
5 Accounting Standards ASX will accept, for example, the use of International Accounting Standards for foreign entities. If the standards used do not address a topic, the Australian standard on that topic (if any) must be complied with.
== == == == ==
The CFO Solution
30/9/2001 Appendix 5B Page 14
yamarna goldfields limited
wheres the stock rouges trade, page-7
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