which children will, page-4

  1. 3,323 Posts.
    Depends how you would define normal.
    Through my eyes and my beliefs that is not normal but to them Muslim religious zealot freaks enforcing their false man made religion on thier own innocent is bad enough, but then what can u do to stop it?

    Changing the subject a bit if you read this article how then would you define these children to be?


    In reality these children are more like hybrids half human half alien they are the Omegans (tall/small greys) plus
    New Agers answer to bringing in the so called "Golden Era or golden Age" that u here a slow process of flushing out us humans...ie see movie-X Men, Fabulous 4 etc

    It's a bit wacky i know but it's the future guys.
    Funny thing is alot of the fiction stuff in movies and novels books etc will become part reality in time to come, you'll see as it has done so in the past ironic nah ah

    And thats no co-incidence...

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