I addressed this matter, so cut out the rubbish, show respect...

  1. 5,698 Posts.
    I addressed this matter, so cut out the rubbish, show respect and actually read peoples replies to YOUR points, LIKE I do for yours.

    What you posted on the Bible bashing, is all part of the NUMEROUS stunts that have been going on for years, for the counter reformation and you are falling for it, hook line and sinker.

    You need to come out of your closet and get serious with searching, investigating.

    You addressed absolutely nothing my dear wotsup all you said was the CC came up with the term “bible Bashing” which is either a blunt lie or pure ignorance

    This is nothing but bluff and smoke screen as you know full well that you been caught out and now you have to lie and dig yourself even deeper, with 2 point you mentioned here, one is the counter reformation and the other is with serious searching, investigation to which you are clueless on both count

    The term “bible bashing” its first usage is exactly like I’ve given you emerging from fundamentalist Christian debates, particularly in the early 20th century
    , there are no historical records regarding the term previously to this, not even in the reformation and propaganda dished out.. see below

    No CC official or Protestant have used this term before this date, I’ve provided information to it, you have not you’re just trying to cover your tracks, provide your sources

    No high-ranking apologist within the CC or even Protestants use that term “Bible Bashing”

    Its only used among people within forums like HC, nothing more
    This is describing you to a “T” my dear wotsup

    Bible basher according to Cambridge dictionary
    someone who tries in a forceful or enthusiastic way to persuade other people to believe in the Christian religion and the Bible as to how they see it
    I would say Just nod, smile and agree with them while holding your hands where they can see them and slowly back away.
    Pretty much the same way you treat any Crazy person

    Now take some of your own advice and do some even basic research on the propaganda dished out by the reformers to which you are a master at parroting it to justify your ignorance of history and the bible

    Leading propagandists during the Reformation
    There were a number of Protestant reformers who played a role in the success of Protestant propaganda, such as Andreas Bodenstein von Karlstadt, Urbanus Rhegius, and Philipp Melanchthon. The single most influential person was Martin Luther.[26] Luther wrote much more than any other leading reformer, and the majority of his works were in the German vernacular. It is estimated that Luther's works had over 2200 printings (with re-printings) by 1530, and he continued to write until the time of his death in 1546.[27][28]
    Luther's use of the language of the people was one of the primary ideas of the Reformation. He believed in the "Priesthood of All Believers", that every person was a priest in their own right and could take control of their own faith.[14] Of the total lifetime printings of Luther, estimated to be around 3183, 2645 were written in German and only 538 in Latin.[29] Luther's predominance meant that the Protestant propaganda campaign was cohesive, with a consistent and accessible message
    Another dominant message that was found in Protestant propaganda was the idea that every person should be granted access to the Bible to interpret it for themselves; this was the primary reason why Luther translated and published numerous copies of the New Testament during the Reformation years.

    In terms of tone and style, Reformation propaganda, while sometimes serious in tone, was often satirical, featuring word-play and sarcasm

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