thanks, but we are not allowed thumbs up on this forumjust heard...

  1. 17,117 Posts.
    thanks, but we are not allowed thumbs up on this forum

    just heard on radio 2gb...
    interview with scott morrison...
    he said he asked the pm in question time yesterday about the 37 million in costs taxpayers have been paying for labor to move the asylum seekers around the country, flying them all over the place...putting them up in the best hotels etc....
    Morrison reckonds she has no idea how much is wasted or spent....she refused to answer as usual...
    said she has confidence in her minister

    and speaker jenkins tossed scott out for an hour...
    sent to the sin bin...when he protested

    I note on the vote yesterday for thomson to give an explanation to parliament..the vote was tied at 71 jenkins used his vote to say no to the request...

    jenkins does not deserve to be speaker...
    one day that I bothered to watch this week...
    jenkins kept telling the pm to sit down...
    her 4 mins was up...
    she refused...he told her to sit down at least 6 times...
    she simply ignored him....
    her sheer disregard for rules or policy... is obscene
    made jenkins look like a piece of wasted space...

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