Courier-Mail Reports The Three Blokes Who Snuck Into Queensland...

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    Courier-Mail Reports The Three Blokes Who Snuck Into Queensland All Have Mental Health Issues And Should Have Their Privacy Respected

    The Southeast Corner’s most popular daily newspaper is reporting this morning that the three blokes who’ve been in Victoria recently and lied to get into Queensland all have mental health issues and should be left alone.

    In their morning edition today, The Courier-Mail said that the men in question, which they chose not to name, have been struggling ever since being caught by the police and are now stressing about their upcoming court dates.

    The Advocate can name these individuals as Brody Paul, a 26-year-old man from Southport who’s best known for telling people his older brother played with Quade at school and was better than him but school politics got in the way of him getting a run before Quade.

    Kevin Green, also a 26-year-old but Mr Green lists New Farm as his address. Mr Green works for his father’s construction company after spending some time at Queensland’s most esteemed construction company, Hutchinsons Builders.

    The third man currently under investigation by Queensland Police is Geoffry Steel. On the court documents, he’s listed as living at a Hendra address. Mr Steel’s father was the one-time president of Royal Queensland Golf Club.

    It’s also understood by The Advocate that the root cause of the three blokes’ stress is the fact that all three of them have received a Section 12 before from the Queensland Courts.

    A Section 12 is a special provision in our state’s legal system whereby the children of wealthy people can be charged and found guilty of serious criminal charges without having a conviction recorded.

    All three men are due in court next month if their charges haven’t been dismissed prior to that date.
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