For those who want a bit of crucial background to the Bin Laden...

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    For those who want a bit of crucial background to the Bin Laden conspiracy, here's a beauty from Alex Jones' highly credible Infowars site by editor Paul Joseph Watson which I've edited ... for videos and other stories IMO crucial to aid your understanding of the evil world we live in, go to

    "In a desperate effort to bolster its crumbling official narrative, the White House today released a set of dubious Bin Laden ?home movies? purportedly seized from his compound during the raid on Sunday night that it claims show Bin Laden on camera in 2010, but the tapes are almost identical to footage released almost four years ago by a notorious Pentagon front group that acts as a conduit for US intelligence by regularly releasing fake Al-Qaeda videos.

    Before we even look at the new tapes, recall that the Washington Post reported last year on how CIA officials recruited ?darker-skinned employees? to create fake Bin Laden tapes. The fact that the CIA created fake Bin Laden tapes is an admitted fact, not a conspiracy theory.

    ?Extraordinary home videos taken from Osama bin Laden?s hideout show the terrorist leader watching news coverage of himself on television,? reports the Daily Mail.
    ?The videos were seized by Navy SEALs after Bin Laden was killed. They were shown to reporters this afternoon by intelligence officials.?

    One of the videos purports to show Bin Laden watching television news reports about himself. The footage is filmed from almost behind his head and only shows a small portion of his face. The TV shows footage of Bin Laden as well as still images and footage of Barack Obama. Interestingly, the only moment in which the cameraman zooms in on the TV so that you can clearly see the picture is when it either shows Bin Laden, Obama, or both of them in a still shot together.

    Contrary to the footage of Bin Laden allegedly flicking through television channels, in which his beard is gray, in the other tapes, which the White House claims were recorded between October and November 2010, Bin Laden appears with his beard dyed black. The man watching TV appears to be much older than the Bin Laden seen in the other tapes.

    MSNBC ran the video under the headline New Video Shows Bin Laden In Gold Robe. However, these tapes are almost identical to footage first released by the Pentagon front group SITE in September 2007. In that footage, Bin Laden also appears with a dyed beard and is wearing exactly the same clothes.

    The only thing that differs is the color of the background, but in other tapes the background is the same brown color as the 2007 tape. As computer expert Neal Krawetz?s analysis revealed, fake backgrounds are often used on purported ?Al-Qaeda? tapes, where a blue screen is used to superimpose the figure of the speaker over a pre-selected backdrop.

    The narrative of last Sunday?s raid has flip-flopped constantly and even mainstream journalists are starting to become wary, particularly after it emerged that Obama and Hillary could not have watched the raid unfold live as they had claimed because the live feed was cut before the Navy SEALS entered the compound, meaning that the ?situation room? photos that purported to show Obama and Hillary watching Bin Laden?s assassination live were in fact completely staged."

    To those who have been had for decades by these US war criminal con artists and congenital liars, I rest my case...
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