grahod,Ignorant, I think not ...Why did the US sell WMD's to...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 12

    Ignorant, I think not ...

    Why did the US sell WMD's to Saddam? Did they sell biochemical weapons to him only to tell him he wasn't allowed to use them? Nope

    Facts were that all the 'so called' WMD's were used on the Kurds before the first gulf war, destroyed by the Iraqi military and by the weapons inspectors early on in the piece. Why did the US target and destroy every single water purification plant in the country? And the oil for food program was a rort designed for access to cheap oil. Basically the food and medicines they got were nowhere near enough for the civillian population to survive on AND nowhere near the value of the oil they traded. The sanctions went on for years after the weapons were gone. In the end the inspectors were looking for things that didn't exist because the US kept up their bs intelligence (lies) and this was delaying Iraqi's from getting basic needs, hence the inspectors were told to leave. And then Grahod, gulf war 2 and the invasion forces found ... sweet FA! No WMD's at all! Must've been a huge surprise to you I reckon!

    Grahod, under the oil for food/medicines program the Iraqi's were denied the equipment and chemical supplies to rebuild and run their water purification plants. The death of more than 500,000 children under the age of 5 resulted mostly due to contaminated water supplies (ref Amnesty International & Madeline Albright).

    Grahod, do you think the death of more than 500,000 children was worth it? Madeline Albright did, so it'd be nice to find out if you think the same.

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