White lives don't matter?

  1. 7,813 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 163
    This is not my belief, but it is a possible conclusion one could draw by observing the reaction in the US to the death of one black man.
    No doubt the peaceful protest have been hijacked by anarchists but seriously are we going to have protests everytime a felon who is high on drugs dies at the hands of police just trying to do their job?
    Where is the same level of outrage at the genocide that is continuing in South Africa under the watch of the ANC and being encouraged by Julius Malema???
    Australians have had great concerts to raise money for Indonesians affected by the tidal wave back in 2004 (pssst they don't like you, they blew you up in Bali).
    Now I see white Australian celebs putting out son stories about #blacklivesmatter and their faux guilt.
    But where is the public outcry by Australians for the murders of white South African farmers?
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