Chill out...."Lit boom" isn't going anywhere, it's a critical...

  1. 1,672 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 170
    Chill out....

    "Lit boom" isn't going anywhere, it's a critical mineral moving forward in the EV and battery industry.

    The impatience is close to insanity on here....

    "Company needs to give an update"
    "It's been X amount of weeks since last Ann"
    "Other companies are rising and we arn't"

    IMHO and much like a few LT posters on this forum, the market really isn't factoring the lit asset value in. Focus on the gold right now...

    When the Lit company spins out and starts progressing, IMHO we could see something similar to VUL SP movement when it exploded.
    Obviously not same value but a big increase in a short period of time.
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