There are numerous comrade traitors within Labor. One is a joke....

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3117
    There are numerous comrade traitors within Labor. One is a joke. They have been many times Labor have been overly close to communism. The unions have a strong comrade vibe. factions within Labor are communistic and have been for decades. The media don't expose them because of the usual reasons. They are either rusted on or don't want to upset the Labor hounds who would pursue them.

    The Babylon Bee is here to brighten your spirits with a list of potential jobs you can consider under the coming communist regime.

    1 Mass grave digger: Look at how much work these guys had back under Stalin. Job security, baby!
    2 Bear wrestler: There's a fair chance you'll end up exiled to some harsh wilderness. Sharpening those bear-wrestling skills will not only keep you alive but also make you a valuable entertainment attraction.
    3 Snitch: With so many freedom-loving dissenters running around, someone has to rat on them. Do your part.
    4 Mine worker: This could have taken up 6 of the eight slots on the list. Lots of mine workers, folks.
    5 Replacement mine worker for the guy who just died: You're up next, comrade!
    6 Starvation coordinator: With millions of people starving, someone has to keep things organized so everyone can die off in a slow, painful — but organized — way.
    7 Seamstress who only makes gray clothes: You can be the one making the official uniform of the ruling party. Congratulations!
    8 Window breaker: Followed closely by another hot job — window fixer.
    9 Professional horrifying example of what happens to traitors: This one is physically demanding, but there are millions of positions available.See? The job market under communism won't be that bad. Before you know it, you'll be toiling away for the benefit of the State.

    Don't forget the job opps for their renewable energy dream. You soon can drive a horse and cart Ute, and enjoy a longer term drop in living standards by paying more for less. Remember -All the new green taxes are designed to save you from yourself.
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