I think this thing about the younger population having to...

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I think this thing about the younger population having to support the aging population is a furphy. Its something for the libs to use as a matter of expediency. Just on that note its the libs that always cry foul about the superannuation component of an employees wage or salary intended to provide for their retirement. Were it not for Labor there would be no super levy payed by employers and many retirees would have stuff all on retirement. So its just another political ploy by the libs. Fools no-one.

    Also previous and the current generation paid for all the infrastructure and community amenities that will be there for the benefit of future generations. These range from icons like the Opera House, and infrastructure like roads, rail,shipping,schools, universities, tafe colleges, community centres, health facilities,sports arenas, airports etc all paid for by the previous and current generation and will benefit the younger generation.

    Another important point is most of the big projects were funded by debt going right back. This is nothing new as you only have to look at the debt funding by the states. They had to borrow because the Feds under Howard simply sat on their hands and handed out tax cuts.

    My final point is that the stimulus package will basically prevent a total collapse of our economy pending a recovery, which will come, as business globally gets its house in order. Lets not kid ourselves, all the major economies of the world are urgently stimulating their economies to prevent a collapse. Australia cannot afford to sit on its hands and let its businesses and people down the drain. Its no accident that business supports the package along with community groups. Some fine tuning is needed and hopefully will occur.

    It seems to me that the very small Opposition to the proposals are from people who simply want Labor to fail for political reasons. It is they who will fail.

    Just my opinions.

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