who are the "real" criminals, page-34

  1. 6,721 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1


    "I think you might remember that I on this thread very strongly argued a while ago that drugs should be legalised and be considered as a social/medical problem."


    I agree too..the whole idiotic "war on drugs"tm, has been a complete failure. Unintended consequences as far as the eye can see....unfortunately the money surrounding it and feeding off it is so great that it won't be dismantled.

    In Britain up till 20 years ago or so, heroin(not methadone) was available to registered addicts on doctors prescription. The system worked, people stayed healthy, had jobs,a home life and paid taxes etc.

    The US then forced them under the international narcotics treaty to stop that. Then addicts had to revert to the black market and all the problems that brings.


    "Prohibition NEVER works - it always corrupts and makes problems MUCH worse."

    Says something about people doesn't it, that the Prohibition of alcohol in the 1920's was such a fiasco it had to be repealed only to be repeated throughout the world on a different product and somehow expecting a different outcome???

    I think there is an awful lot of serious money made from the trade at the highest levels... who knows where that ends up or what it finances.

    The latest absurdity is that the US DEA has sided with one of the Mexican cartels (Zetas?)against the others, all of whom are threatening the sovereign government of Mexico..
    What the????


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