"If you are desperate enough to leave your homeland and travel...

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "If you are desperate enough to leave your homeland and travel across an ocean with your entire family on a crap boat with a moron skipper in charge then you are not queue jumping..."

    Do they need to cross an ocean with their entire family with a moron skipper to find safety? NO, there are many countries so much closer that will accommodate them without risking a boat trip.

    Then why do they travel 4 times the distance and cross a vast ocean with a moron skipper to Australia when there are numerous countries so much closer? Why choose Australia? Because if you come to Australia, you get everything for free, including a mobile phone and if you want, you don't have to work every again.

    If i lived in a sh*t country and another country offered me the opportunity to never work again, give my family everything for free and allow me to bring more family members over in the future, I would pay the $$$ to jump the queue. Who wouldn't??????? Bugger waiting and going through the correct channels.

    If you didn't know any different you would think Australia was corrupt, allowing for this system to flourish and punishing those who don't have the means to abuse the system.
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