TON 0.00% 0.7¢ triton minerals ltd

Maybe someone can update the amounts further to much discussion,...

  1. 229 Posts.
    Maybe someone can update the amounts further to much discussion, obviously meeting 15th March may reveal more, I see Hemmo posted that "the Administrators wrote to the ASX stating they had no liabilities", see below 4/3/16? where is that from? ($4m was raised 15th January 2016)

    Simple Creditors List:-

    3 Administrators + Team (top of the list?) $ 550,000+
    ($50,000/week + disbursements for 10 weeks+?)
    Brad Boyle, due 15th March (9 months?) $ 449,277 ($599,036, 12 mths)
    CGT ($5.5m been mentioned?)

    Trade Payables ($786,000+)
    Assay Labs
    Drilling Contractor - Mitchel Drilling

    Long-term Creditor Graphex?
    (pay from sale of NH, if no breach of
    ownership owing to Administration?)
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0.7¢ 0.7¢ 0.7¢ $6.562K 937.4K

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1 1000000 0.7¢

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0.8¢ 1477154 6
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Last trade - 14.11pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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