Who do you think will be repaying the Government?, page-28

  1. 22,045 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769

    The likely scenario come this time next year is IMO:
    GDP down by 7% to say $2 Trillion
    Unemployment up to 14%
    Additional debt accrued via Corvid-19 handots etc: $500 Billion

    Total Gove debt this time next year: $1.6 Trillion or 80% of GDP
    Interest only: $32 billion/year...possibly more if our credit rating drops.

    Solution: Who Pays?

    -PAYE earners will be incapable of paying without massive wage increased due to extra Corvid accrued debt.
    -Corporations that have benefited from our low dolar and or hoarders' demand wont volunteer higher taxes (eg: BHP, RIO, FMG Woolies Coles etc.)

    In the past when we've had tough times the answer politically seems to leave it to Labor (eg: Post WW2, early 80s and the Recession we had to have.

    The question is : Will a Neo-Liberal Coalition have the dangly bits to increase corporate tax or will it skin the working stiffs with higher GST &
    higher PAYE taxes?

    Someone has to pay and persioners, welfare recipients and a further indebted working class will not be in a position to cough-up the lollies.
    Perhaps Politicians and the millionaire top end of the Civil Service can lead the way by consigning half the Future Fund to Treasury ?
    I know that that would only be a laxy $80 billion but it would be a start. Millions of Aussies will have to dip into their Super (tax or no tax,) simply to make ends meet.
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