This smells like a big dirty union cover up....

  1. 2,088 Posts.
    This smells like a big dirty union cover up.

    Reader John wonders why the Health Services Union did not take action when its then secretary, Labor MP Craig Thomson, authorised a $2475 payment to a brothel charged to his union supplied credit card:

    This is bigger than Thomson.

    The Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009, Section 166 (2) requires registered organisations, like the Health Services Union, to notify both Fair Work Australia and union members of the following:

    g) for any amount exceeding $1 000 (that is not an amount that must be disclosed in the general purpose financial report) paid by the reporting unit to an officer or employee of the reporting unit whether a single transaction or multiple transactions for the reimbursement of out of pocket expenses;

    (h) for any amount exceeding $1 000 (that is not an amount that must be disclosed in the general purpose financial report) paid by the reporting unit to an officer of the reporting unit whether a single transaction or multiple transactions for the reimbursement of remuneration foregone by the officer in relation to the usual occupation of the officer in the course of performing duties as an officer of the reporting unit;

    (i) for any amount exceeding $1 000 (that is not an amount that must be disclosed in the general purpose financial report) paid by the reporting unit on behalf of an officer or employee of the reporting unit whether a single transaction or multiple transactions for goods and services for the personal use of the officer or employee or in discharge of the personal financial obligations of the officer or employee;

    (j) the amount paid as remuneration to the holder of any office in the reporting unit;

    (k) for any loan exceeding $1 000 made by the reporting unit:....

    Has the HSU done this? If not why not? This has been in the public domain for two years - its unbelievable.

    Has FWA asked for this information and made sure that the HSU provides this info to members with respect to Mr Thomson's credit card?
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