who forced julia in a carbon tax, page-23

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    Hi Moondoong, even though tax cuts will apply people will still get power bills that will show rises as they occur and will impact their thinking on conserving power. Also,there should be campains to encourage the minimisation of high pollution power consumption etc.

    The important issue though is that the power generators have expressed a willingness to plan and convert to less emissions systems provided they have a system in place that provides certainty to justify going down that track.

    So the big polluters themselves will be the catalyst for greatest gains because over time they will move from over reliance on high emissions technology..

    The issue is complex and I am endeavouring to respond on a non political basis.

    It should not be overlooked that the actual power generators want a decision to be made so they can plan for the long term rather than the expensive short term infrastructure measures they are having to apply now.

    Moondoong, I have responded as an ordinary person and claim no great knowledge of the subject. However, I have no doubt that regardless what I post some(not you)will rubbish the content.

    This forum is polarised and being a mainly conservative forum in nature, the conservatives will outnumber the libs and thats OK. It doesnt serve to change anyones vote though, so its just a bit of argy bargy, tit for tat, stuff that some of us go to when not otherwise occupied in the stocks area or busy trading shares.

    I can tell you that if it were not for Hot Coppers core stocks function I would not be a member and would not be wasting my time in a politics forum such as this. Think about it, even if the false claims by some of the extremists here that I am a paid Labor contributor were true, why would one bother posting here where everyone is so polarised mainly in favour of the Opposition. You would be better off going where you get a wider type of audience where what is said just may influence someone.

    Sorry for moving from the carbon issue, but I feel I have responded to that as best I can at the start of the post.

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