Who is ‘Star-Strucking’ the World?, page-45

  1. 11,973 Posts.
    In Revelation 13, the infamous number of the Beast is discussed, and it is related to the Antichrist’s control of the economy.

    According to the Scriptures, the Antichrist will compel all people to be “marked with an inscription” on their hands or foreheads. Only those will this mark will be allowed to “buy or sell.”
    Rappa, Rev 13 describes the control the dragon (Satan) has over various beasts (dynasties) that have in turn affected God's people (fleshly Israel and later spiritual Israel). These 7 beasts are; Egypt, Assyria,Babylon, Medo- Persia,Greece, Rome and the Anglo-American world powers.- Rev 13:1-10
    The dominant 7th beast of modern times initiates the forming of an image of these political empires (League of Nations that morphs into the UN)
    - Rev 13:11-15.

    The world is 'compelled' to conform by means of propaganda , religious support of nominal Christianity and Judaism, economic sanctions and even military might wielded by this 7th beast. Rev 13:16-18
    Check out Tigmeister's posts for confirmation of that.

    The only ones not "marked" with the number of the beast are mentioned in the next chapter.
    (Revelation 14:1) Then I saw, and look! the Lamb standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who have his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads.
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