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    A final brief summary on the Antichrist --source

    An explanation of the word antichrist is given by the Apostle John, “.. ….who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son…”

    In Islamic eschatology an anti-messiah is a figure who will appear to deceive humanity before the second coming of” Isa”, as Jesus is known by Muslims.

    The concept of an antichrist is absent in traditional Judaism; however, in the medieval diaspora, his inevitable destruction is narrated as the symbol of ultimate victory of good over evil in the Messianic age.

    The Pope as the antichrist was so ingrained in the Reformation era, that Luther stated it repeatedly. For example: "This teaching of the supremacy of the pope shows forcefully that the Pope is the very Antichrist, who has exalted himself above, and opposed himself against Christ, because he will not permit Christians to be saved without his power, which, nevertheless, is nothing, and is neither ordained nor commanded by God”.

    John Calvin similarly wrote, "Though it be admitted that Rome was once the mother of all Churches, yet from the time when it began to be the seat of Antichrist it has ceased to be what it was before.”

    John Wesley speaking of the identity given in scripture of the Antichrist wrote, "In many respects, the Pope has an indisputable claim to those titles. He is, in an emphatical sense, the man of sin, as he increases all manner of sin above measure.”

    In Mormonism, the Antichrist is anyone or anything that counterfeits the true gospel or plan of salvation and that openly or secretly is set up in opposition to Christ. The great antichrist is Lucifer, but he has many assistants, both as spirit beings and as mortals

    Seventh-day Adventists
    Seventh-day Adventists teach that the, "Little Horn Power", which, as predicted in the Book of Daniel, rose after the break-up of the Roman Empire, is the Papacy. In 533, Justonian, the emperor of the Byzantine Empire, sometimes referred to as the Eastern Roman Empire, legally recognized the bishop or pope of Rome as the head of all the Christian churches.

    Because of the Arian domination of some of the Roman Empire by barbarian tribes, the bishop of Rome could not fully exercise such authority. In 538, Belisarius, one of Justinian's generals, freed the city of Rome from its Arian barbarian Ostrogoth besiegers and the bishop of Rome could begin establishing universal civil authority. So, by the military intervention of the Eastern Roman Empire, the bishop of Rome became all-powerful throughout the area of the old Roman Empire.

    Like many, reformation-era Protestant leaders, the Adventist pioneer Ellen G White (1827-1915) spoke of the Catholic Church as a fallen church in preparation for its nefarious eschatological role as the antagonist against God's true church and saw the pope as the Antichrist.

    Protestant reformers such as Martin Luther, John Knox, William Tyndale and others held similar beliefs about the Catholic Church and the papacy when they broke away from the Catholic Church during the reformation.

    Several American evangelical and Fundamentalist theologians, including Cyrus Scofield, have identified the Antichrist as being in league with, or the same as several figures in the Book of Revelation, including the Dragon, or Serpent, the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Whore of Babylon Voices in the Emerging Church, such as Rob Bell reject the identification of the Antichrist with any one person or group. They believe a loving Christ would not view anyone as an enemy.

    The conflict between Russia and the United States as two superpowers, or the militant rivalry between the communist and capitalist systems and their impact over the nations of the world, are thus seen as having occurred in accordance with prophecies concerning Gog and Magog.

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