Also for consideration at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, THEOSOPHY on the...

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    Also for consideration at,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


    Theosophy is that ocean of knowledge which spreads from shore to shore
    of the evolution of sentient beings; unfathomable in its deepest parts,
    it gives the greatest minds their fullest scope, yet, shallow enough at
    its shores, it will not overwhelm the understanding of a child. It is
    Wisdom, for it is the science of sciences. It is therefore complete in
    itself and sees no unsolvable mystery anywhere. It throws the word
    coincidence out of its vocabulary. It hails the reign of law in
    everything and every circumstance.

    The vast array of objects and men are not mere collections of atoms
    fortuitously thrown together and thus without law evolving law, but down
    to the smallest atom all is soul and spirit ever evolving under the rule
    of law which is inherent in the whole. Theosophy teaches that the
    course of evolution is the drama of the soul and that nature exists for
    no other purpose than the soul's experience.


    The Theosophist agrees with the wise Prof. Huxley in the assertion that
    there must be beings in the universe whose intelligence is as much
    beyond ours as ours exceeds that of the black beetle, and those
    possessing such advanced intelligence naturally take an active and
    cooperative part in the government of the natural order of things. They
    are the active, and wise assistants of Nature, [the UNIVERSE] as a
    whole. The Theosophist adds that such Wise Sages are Intelligences
    which were once human, and came like all of us from other and previous

    The most intelligent being in the universe, man, has never, been without
    a friend, but has a line of elder brothers who continually watch over
    the progress of the less progressed, preserve the knowledge gained
    through aeons of trial and experience, and continually seek for
    opportunities of drawing the developing intelligence of the race to
    consider the great truths concerning the destiny of the soul.

    We are therefore not appearing for the first time when we come upon this
    planet, but have pursued a long, an immeasurable course of activity and
    intelligent perception on other systems of globes, some of which were
    destroyed ages before the solar system condensed.


    This immense reach of the evolutionary system means, that this planet on
    which we now are, is the result of the activity and the evolution of
    some earlier one that died long ago. It left its energy to be used in
    the bringing into existence the earth. Further, the inhabitants of the
    Earth, in their turn, came from some older world. They are now
    proceeding with their destined work in the "matter" we are familiar with

    The Elder Brothers of the human race, keep the knowledge they have
    gained of the laws of nature in all departments, and are ready when
    cyclic law permits to use it for the benefit of mankind. They have
    always existed as a body, all knowing each other, no matter in what part
    of the world they may be, and all working for the race in many different
    ways. [see ISIS UNVEILED, Vol. 2, pp. 98-103]

    They have stood by the cradle of nations and seen the vast achievements
    of the ancients, watched sadly the decay of those who had no power to
    resist the cyclic law of rise and fall; and while cataclysms seemed to
    show a universal destruction of art, architecture, religion, and
    philosophy, they have preserved the records of it all in places secure
    from the ravages of either men or time. They have made minute
    observations, through trained psychics among their own order, into the
    unseen realms of nature and of mind, recorded the observations, and have
    preserved the record. And, greater feat than all -- one which implies a
    knowledge of the very foundations of nature -- they know what the
    ultimate divisions of time are and what are the meaning and the times of
    the cycles. [ see SECRET DOCTRINE Vol. I, pp. 272-3 ]


    Under cyclic law, during a dark period in the history of mind, the true
    philosophy disappears for a time, but the same law causes it to
    reappear. It is the Master's work to preserve the true philosophy, but
    the help of the companions is needed to rediscover and promulgate it.

    The periods, when out of the Great Unknown there comes forth the visible
    universes, are eternal in their coming and going. These alternate with
    equal periods of silence and rest in that Unknown. The object of these
    mighty waves is the production of Perfect Man, the evolution of Soul,
    and they always witness the increase of the number of Elder Brothers.
    The Elder Brothers are the highest product of evolution through whom
    alone, in cooperation with the whole human family, the further regular
    and workmanlike prosecution of the plans of the Great Architect of the
    Universe can be carried on.


    The teachings of Theosophy deal for the present with our earth, although
    its purview extends to all the worlds, since no part of the manifested
    universe is outside the single body of laws which operate upon us. Our
    globe being one of the solar system is certainly connected with other
    planets, but as the great human family has to remain with its material
    vehicle -- the earth -- until all the units of the race which are ready,
    are perfected, the evolution of that family is of greater importance to
    the members of it.


    The universe evolves from the unknown, on seven planes, and in seven
    ways in all worlds. And this sevenfold differentiation causes all the
    worlds of the universe, and the beings thereon, to have a septenary

    The divisions of the sevenfold universe may be laid down roughly as: The
    Absolute, Spirit, Mind, Matter, Will, Akasa or AEther, and Life. In
    place of "the Absolute" we can use the word "Space." For "Space" is
    that which ever is, and in which all manifestation must take place.

    Our knowledge begins with differentiation, and all manifested objects,
    beings, or powers are only differentiations of the Great Unknown.

    The most that can be said of the Absolute" is that IT periodically
    differentiates itself, and periodically withdraws the differentiated
    into itself. As to "the Absolute," we can do no more than say IT IS.
    None of the Great Teachers of the School ascribe qualities to "the
    Absolute," although all qualities exist in It.

    The first differentiation -- speaking metaphysically as to time -- is
    Spirit, with which appears Matter and Mind. This is a Unit, and, called
    the "Monad." [ In manifestation, it is a triune Unity, consisting of:
    ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS, or, Spirit - Wisdom - Mind] The Monad is held to be
    immortal throughout the great life-cycle, whether Manvantara or Kalpa.
    It is the basis for human Individuality.

    The term "Akasa," taken from the Sanskrit, is used in place of AEther,
    to properly designate that tenuous state of matter which is now
    sometimes called "Ether" by modern science. Akasa is produced from
    Matter and Spirit.

    Will is the force of Spirit in action. And Life (Jiva) is a resultant
    of the action of Akasa, moved by Spirit, upon Matter.

    But the Matter here spoken of, is not that which is commonly known as
    such. It is the Real Matter which is always invisible, and has sometimes
    been called Primordial Matter. In the Brahmanical system it is called
    "Mulaprakriti" (or "Root Matter"). And it is sometimes referred to as
    "Maha-Buddhi." [In considering this, one may think of an "atom" as
    essentially an eternal, individualized field of electro-magnetic Force.
    Physical material is condensed in and around it by attraction. The
    formation of worlds, and the reincarnation of human Souls, may be
    thought of in similar terms, and follow a similar pattern.]

    The ancient teaching always held, as is now admitted by Science, that we
    see or perceive only the phenomena but not the essential nature, cause
    or being of Matter.
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